I understand. That’s not the point. The point is to take responsibility for your family and your monetary stability. I do not think it is the job of the “village” or in this case the church, to take care of my children.Catholic elementary schools in general will not deny a child due to reasons of finance. Talk with your pastor.
Buffalo, please show me where Catholic families are entitled to a Catholic education subsidized entirely by the church? There are options available for education, though if you want a private education, then you pay the price for one.
You are presuming much. You are presuming that a parent has asked the pastor for financial assistance before they are enrolled.
I don’t see that as the problem. What the majority of this thread has been focused on is after the fact. After enrollment. Families who have enrolled with the promise to pay, then whoops!
It would be highly irresponsible for me to send my children to school and then claim financial hardships. But you are correct - those hardships can also be the result of misplaced desires of the family other than paying tuition.