Guar Fan:
I think the problem is that Bill Bennett was engaged in a live on-air thought experiment - in other words, he was letting his mouth run while his brain worked. This is fine in a class-room or other academic setting. But live radio is far from being an ivory tower.
The problem with his comment is that it puts forward the idea that reducing the black population will reduce crime. This is genocide as a means to a public goal.
He immediately qualified his comment by saying it was immoral. But some of his listeners are going to seize upon the equation of blacks=crime, and feel justified with a certain amount of white supremacy because a respected national figure said it.
Mr. Bennett should have disavowed his analogy. But he tried to defend it in further interviews, such as with ABC News:
A far safer comparison would have been to mention the dropping crime rate in the 1980s, which occurred because the Baby Boom had aged to the point where the criminals stopped committing cirmes.
And if he was really smart, he would have noted that black crime rates are tied to the disproportionate amount of poverty experienced by African-Americans. Rather than talking about increasing abortions - an immoral position - he could have talked about helping African-Americans rise out of poverty, which would reduce the crime rate.
Bill Bennett shouldn’t have circled the wagons. He should have made peace.