Regarding point ‘a’:a.)Then why was there a tree of eternal life in the garden if there was no death? (minor, but it had not occurred to me to wonder at that before)
b.)Because trying to understand as far as we are able is one of the things we do. ?] We’re not fideists, for goodness’ sake.
c.)On that reading, it sounds like Christ’s death did not reconcile us to God?]
d.)The example makes it worse, not better. What kind of loving person would continue beating their grandchildren for something their children did? Again, I get that it says that, but I’m working for an understanding that doesn’t just render the ideas like parent and bridegroom as seeming contradictions to our way of understanding. That doesn’t mean they aren’t. I get that God could be a paradox to us, but at some point it becomes moot to attempt theology at all, then.
The Tree of Life didn’t “give” eternal life to Adam and Eve, they already had it by their creation. In other words, they didn’t need it to live forever.
I think it symbolizes God’s grace, but I’m honestly not well versed in the Fathers’ explanation.
Regarding your other questions… consider this narrative put forth by Bishop Fulton Sheen (in my own words because I couldn’t find a transcript):
There is a great king who owns a magnificent castle and much wealth. He is a very loving king, and finds a young man to whom he wishes to give the castle, with all its privileges and pleasures. This man brings his wife with him, and they live in great happiness there.
But one day the man and his wife betray the king, and the king, very saddened, casts them out of the castle, because they are unworthy to live within it. This man and wife go out into the wilderness, fallen from their previously high state. They have children, but those children, though innocent of their parents’ sin, of course do not have possession of the castle and its pleasures, because their parents lost it for them.
So it is with Original Sin. The castle represents all of the supernatural privileges that Adam and Eve had: freedom from death, disease, suffering, sorrow. It also represents them infused virtues given to them by God.When they lost these gifts, their children lost them too, not because those children were not innocent, but because they could not inherit that which their parents had lost. This fallen nature is due to that Original Sin, and we all have the mark of that loss upon our souls, which is the source of concupiscence.
Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross was atonement for the eternal damnation due to us and our parents because of their sin, but it did not restore everything to the state that it was before. Sin still exists, and though we are forgiven, we still must work against the effects of Original Sin.
I hope this helps.