Premise: I accept evolution as a well-established scientific theory and I find no problem reconciling it with my Catholic faith.
I’ve read many arguments given by Young Earth Creationists against evolution - for example, the nearly total lack of scientific evidence for abiogenesis, the irreducible complexity of the cell, the structure of a bacterium and the eye - and for a young Earth - for example, the decay of Earth’s magnetic field and the salinity of the seas. However, I’ve seen that nearly all of them have been answered.
What I’m asking is: did any Young Earth Creationist ever try to answer the objections leveled against their arguments? Or to give more convincing ones?
I’ve read many arguments given by Young Earth Creationists against evolution - for example, the nearly total lack of scientific evidence for abiogenesis, the irreducible complexity of the cell, the structure of a bacterium and the eye - and for a young Earth - for example, the decay of Earth’s magnetic field and the salinity of the seas. However, I’ve seen that nearly all of them have been answered.
What I’m asking is: did any Young Earth Creationist ever try to answer the objections leveled against their arguments? Or to give more convincing ones?
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