No one who is humble and modest says, “I am humble and modest.” This is exact opposite of humbleness.I’m having trouble with my bf who is extremely uncomfortable getting presents, compliments or any sort of praise. Last night I made this comment to him “Can you tell I’m incredibly in love with you?” And all he said was, stop, I’m not that great, it makes me uncomfortable. Then I said, “would you rather I not be incredibly in love with you?” and he said, “no, I’m just humble and modest”
Truth be told is that I felt bad because I felt like he rejected my love. We haven’t been very close lately and this was a way of me getting closer to him. I wanted him to reciprocate and tell me just how much I meant to him. Instead it ended up in a huge fight.
It just makes me feel bad anytime he rejects anything from me. He doesn’t feel worthy of it. I get the feeling that we are both wrong in this case but I don’t know what the ideal is. I know that God deserves all the glory and praise. But what does a man that I love deserve? How much is enough, how much is too much?
Thank you.
It sounds as if your bf could be the male version of my mom. Every Christmas my mother would make a big deal about taking her gifts back to the store so that she could get money for us kids. The problem was that she didn’t need the extra money. This was her way of making us feel guilty. She never hesitated to inform us how wonderful, kind hearted and loving she was. None of which were true.