I just have a few thoughts on some things that I have been using in my talks with our non Catholic brothers and sisters in Christ, and I think this will be a good place to make sure I am correct, and see from all how to improve some of them:
- All Christians follow traditions weather or not they want to admit it, as an example you go to church on Sunday why when the Bible says to keep the Sabbath holy and the Sabbath is Saturday? (cause the Church has us go on Sunday to honor the rising of our Lord)
- If the Bible is the sole authority then why does it tell us to go to the Church? I.E.: if a brother sins against you go and tell him, if he still does not listen take one or two brothers with you, if then he refuses to listen still take him to the BIBLE? No Matthew 18:15-18 lay out that we are to take him before the Church. So the question is not which Bible but which Church?
- If you love the Bible so much and revere it at the Word of God then don’t you think it is important that we do not change the meaning of God’s Word, as the last time I checked God does not change so why do we allow his Word to. As an example look at 1 Cor 11:2 in many non Catholic Bibles they have changed the word Tradition to teachings. Now this does not work with all non Catholic bibles, but it is a start if you just look for points of Scripture that can be used to defend only Catholic teaching you will find more and more they are changing words. The NIV has it changed except when the word Tradition can be used against the Catholic Church like in Mt 15:3.
- Lets look at Mt 16:18 Where Christ promises that the Gates of the netherworld shall not prevail, and also Mt 28:20 where Christ promises that he will be with us until the end of the age. My problem here is that if there was need of reformation and the Church had fallen in to disarray, and that we needed to remove 7 whole books and parts of two others to get the Bible right then at some point during the 1100 + years the Bible stood that way Christ must have left us for the Gates of hell to have prevailed and allowed all those people for all those years to be misled, and we all know that God will never break a promise so what is the purpose of the reformation again?
- Also and on the same subject why is it you accept the Authority of the Catholic Church when it comes to the cannon of the new Testament? Most do not know that they do.