Because I pray the LOTH, attend Mass, and read Scripture, I have a general idea where certain passages can found within the Bible. I have never been a person who memorizes.
Memorization, for me comes simply as a part of daily life. For example, for a long time I worked in shipping. I didn’t memorizes the particular weights of different products or the pallets that they needed to be on which they needed to be placed. It didn’t take long, however, to know that the Maytag shipments went on #44 pallets and how many would fit in a 48 foot trailer vs. a 53 foot trailer. The Chevy panels I strapped and loaded everyday weighed 57 pounds.
Most Catholics knows the 3 Basic Prayers, The Our Father, The Hail Mary, and the Doxology, from repetition. It is why the Holy Father, or any priest need only ask Catholics to pray those prayers with him, along with the Sign of the Cross.
Personal knowledge of Scripture makes it easier for me to proclaim the message when I read on Sundays, or any other day that I am given that privilege. I currently live in the Bible Belt. Since the RSV is the most commonly used translation among mainline denominations, when discussing Scripture with separated brothers and sisters, it is the translation I carry.
I don’t always need to look. I know the story of Mary’s Annunciation is in Luke, as is her Visitation to Elizabeth. Our Lord tells us in the Gospel of John about the need to “eat of the flesh of the Son of Man,” and the Eucharist is established at the Last Supper.
When I lived in the Middle East, those in the Lector ministry were required to attend monthly Faith Enrichment classes, as well as monthly meetings. There were no shortage of volunteers as there are in the states. The priest who held the Bible study class, which was also recommended, added additional historical and theological insight.
Each time a person reads the same thing, and hears the Word proclaimed with a listening ear, more than one time, he or she is going to gain more insight into what Scripture has to say.