If you show me Church teaching on it I will follow what that teaching is. Thats it, if it is one of those things left to private judgement ofcourse I’d wanna know more.
I take slight offense to you prejudging me, merely because I want to make sure it is permissible to do so by the One True Church. I said nothing good or bad about it, or even made a personal opinion on it as I base my opinions on what the Church teaches.
Please forgive my spirited defense of my position. There was a compliment built into the way I addressed you – I believed that you were tough enough to enable me to get away with it. Generally, I abandon my caustic approach only where I think that the cautic approach will alienate a soul.
Beware of only believing about the Bible that which is taught OUTSIDE OF the Bible.
(a) The Bible itself is “Church teaching,” an expression of the Magisterium.
(b) The Bible isn’t somehow “crippled,” so that it is an inferior document, more immune to comprehension than, say,
Humanae Vitae or
Dei Verbum. God passed Hebrew 101, Geek 101 and Hermaneutics with an A+.
(c) If we restrict ourselves from comprehending and believing those things for which the Church is the sole authorized interpreter, then since the Church is the sole authorized interpreter of every expression of the Magisterium, we can never comprehend and believe ANYTHING the Magisterium articulates!
This is not some ridiculous tautology. I frequently disagree with others’ interps of Councilior declarations. The Apologists who run this site do, to.
For some reason, you pick on the Bible.
(d) As my Aunt, who used to teach theology in the seminary in Washington, D.C., says, “If you restrict yourself to studying only those verses in the Bible about which the Church has issued express written rulings, you’ll be done in about half an hour.”
So, be my guest, friend: Ignore almost all of the Bible.