Bible Neophyte wants to know what is a good order to read?

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As far as an order in which to read I would suggest you start with the New Testament, and then read the old. The order in which the NT is laid out is fine in my opinion, Gospels first, followed by various letters, concluding with Revelations. I’ve heard some people suggest reading the letters (Epistles) first but I think the Gospels justly deserve their place at the head of the NT.

It is very easy to get bogged down in the Old Testament, but I strongly urge you to read the whole thing. Certain books, however, do stand out in my mind. These would include Genesis, Exodus, Joshua, 1 and 2 Kings, 1 and 2 samual, Ruth, Proverbs, Psalms, Isaiah, Ecclesiastes, 1 and 2 Maccabees, and Jeremiah to name most of the ones that come to my mind (I’m sure I left out many others of importance, my apologies to those who disagree with names included or omitted from this list!). You could always start with some of these and then go back to read all the others.

I try to read the Bible cover to cover every few years, I read the NT cover to cover once a year. Enjoy your journey and God bless you!

I’m brand new to the Catholic faith (as in I discovered this site less than a week ago and that was my introduction to Catholicism), so I took the advice of someone on this forum and ordered “A Catholic Guide to the Bible,” which is a free correspondence course from Catholic Home Study Service. I haven’t received it yet, so I can’t give you a personal opinion of it, but I seems to be just what you’re asking for:
Explains Catholic principles of interpreting the Bible. Takes the student through the Bible, offering pertinent information about the historical background, author, and literary style of each book. Selects readable passages from each book of the Bible so that the student can become familiar with the whole Bible and understand it as the Word of God. (taken from the course description on their website”
Just a thought.
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