Biden’s Performance In Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin Votes

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Biden’s Performance In Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin Votes​

NOVEMBER 6, 2020 By Evita Duffy

Unofficial tallies show Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden leading in Wisconsin by razor-thin margins, four years after president Trump won the state by less than a percentage point.

On election night, Wisconsin was too close to call, but President Trump was ahead by comfortable margins, defying the predictions of corporate media pollsters who prepared America for a Biden blowout in the Badger State. Pollsters’ predictions ranged from 17 to five-point margins for Joe Biden. By early Wednesday morning, Biden had been pushed over the edge by a “ballot dump” of mail-in votes. While some have alleged that this ballot dump points to fraud, even Republican Party officials say they were prepared for 160,000 mail-in votes to be counted after the polls closed. . . .

. . . do raise some questions. Specifically, how did Biden outperform former President Barack Obama’s 2008 performance in the county, in an election that saw the highest voter turnout in 40 years?

In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both
, receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.

What makes this suspicious is that the county is shrinking. The Census Bureau population estimates show that in the last 10 years, thousands of metro Milwaukee residents have left the area for other parts of the state and country. As the Milwaukee Sentinel put it, “We’re lagging in a key metric that often reflects the vitality and desirability of a metro area: population growth.” The City of Milwaukee, which makes up about 60 percent of the county’s population, saw the number of registered voter decline by more than 26,700 from 2008 to 2020.

. . . Obama was a historic figure that motivated record numbers of blacks to vote in 2008. In addition, he had one of the most robust and successful campaigns in American history. His ground game and get-out-the-vote efforts were unprecedented, utilizing door knocking, canvassing, and phone banking. Not surprisingly, in no small part because of the black vote in Milwaukee County, he won the state of Wisconsin handily by a 6.9-percent margin.

By contrast, Biden’s campaign has never come close to the enthusiasm of Obama’s . . .

What makes Biden’s vote increase over Obama’s in Milwaukee County even more suspicious is that because of Biden’s decision to rarely leave his basement for fear of COVID-19, the Biden campaign had no ground game in Wisconsin and other key battleground states. No door-knocking, no volunteer phone-banking, virtually no activity at his anemic campaign offices. . . .

(Bold mine.)

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Milwaukee County?
Biden does better than Obama,

The population shrunk in Milwaukee county.

2 years ago, Scott Walker was leading in the Governor’s race, polls closed. Then, all of a sudden, the mail-ins. Okay, they may be proper and legal votes but the system needs full integrity, this is happening too much. No ballot harvesting either.

When this starts to become a repeated phenomenon, you wonder.
Man. The election response is really showing me what sites I shouldn’t be reading.
In 2008, Barack Obama received 316,916 votes in Milwaukee County. In 2016, Hilary Clinton won only 288,822 votes there. But in 2020 Biden outperformed them both , receiving 317,251 votes countywide and besting Obama’s share of the vote by nearly two points.
Biden received 335 more votes than Obama, and you think that is suspicious? I do not know what “points” are in this context, but 335 is a little over .1% of Obama’s votes, that is if Obama is 100%, Biden got 100.11%. (I am just using the provided numbers, which may be wrong, to clarify what the author is saying)
Dovekin . . .
Biden received 335 more votes than Obama, and you think that is suspicious?
Yes I do think it is suspicious.

With a smaller county (population-wise) and
Joe Biden getting MORE vote than Obama there
I think it is very suspicious.
perhaps more people voted this year… you know, for the soul of the country? I know many people that normally don’t vote but felt compelled to this year.
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toabb (on Biden allegedly being more popular than Obama in a now even lower-population Milwaukee County. At least as far as presidential vote getting) . . . .
perhaps more people voted this year
That’s fine if that is your opinion.
You are entitled to that.

I’m going to disagree.
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. . . In Washington County, just outside of Milwaukee, Biden overperformed Obama by 15.03%. For reference, in Milwaukee, Biden underperformed Obama by 4.57%. That’s almost a 20 point swing in voter-behavior in just 20 miles. While I don’t discount that Biden could do better in a few counties, to suggest that he would suddenly OVERPERFORM by double digits when he failed to do that throughout the state, definitely would raise some questions in a lot of people’s minds. Not only is the sudden double-digit rise questionable, but It happens in a county that Trump still won anyway.

In St. Croix County which actually finds itself as more of a Minneapolis suburb, Biden beat Obama’s 2012 turnout by more than 3200 votes (16.47% increase) and Clintons turnout by 5708 Votes (or 32.65%). Again, another massive jump that is completely unexplained as Biden underperformed the three bordering counties by 4.36%, 7.07%, and 12.43% respectively. This signals a shift in voter attitudes by anywhere from 20 to 28 points, in just a couple of miles. Again, as with Washington County, Trump also won St. Croix with a 26 point increase over 2016. Since 2012, St. Croix had a 6% increase in registration, which could be a factor for some of that voter increase, but even so, still shows a double-digit increase over Obama’s 2012 turnout.

In Dane County, Biden shot past Obama by 20.4%, another strange statistical bump that denies the national trend, state trend, and regional trend. Of the 7 counties surrounding Dane, Biden underperformed Obama anywhere from 12.38% to 1.26%. Suddenly, as you cross that county border Biden support jumps 20 points? Not plausible. . . .
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toabb (on Biden allegedly being more popular than Obama in a now even lower-population Milwaukee County. At least as far as presidential vote getting) . . . .
never said he was more popular. More than likely people felt more compelled this year to vote to rid the USA of the current . . . President.
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toabb (on Biden allegedly being more popular than Obama in a now even lower-population Milwaukee County. At least as far as presidential vote getting) . . . .
never said he was more popular. More than likely people felt more compelled this year to vote to rid the USA of the current cancer in office.
Yes that is a fact. Next election with a half decent Republican candidate, I think Biden will be another one term President.
Yes that is a fact. Next election with a half decent Republican candidate, I think Biden will be another one term President.
Biden won’t run again. That would mean Harris would be the nominee if she wants it. First woman President. If Joe doesn’t resign early.
Biden received 335 more votes than Obama, and you think that is suspicious? I do not know what “points” are in this context, but 335 is a little over .1% of Obama’s votes, that is if Obama is 100%, Biden got 100.11%. (I am just using the provided numbers, which may be wrong, to clarify what the author is saying)
Obama was a very popular figure amongst many groups while Biden is not. Trump was ahead I believe by 250,000 votes at the close of polls around 1 in the morning but again the mail-in votes, many had to be counted.

The population of Wisconsin is 5.8 million. Again “new” voters seem to be the issue.

Last election 2016, the vote was at 67.34(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

The 2020 election the vote was (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Yes, Joe Biden did outperform Barach Obama.
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Obama was a very popular figure amongst many groups while Biden is not.
Apparently Biden is popular, based on the numbers. Isn’t that what popular means?
Trump was ahead I believe by 250,000 votes at the close of polls around 1 in the morning but again the mail-in votes, many had to be counted.

The population of Wisconsin is 5.8 million. Again “new” voters seem to be the issue.
My comments were about Milwaukee County as described in the article that names this thread. The figures quoted in that article show that Biden received 335 more votes in 2020 than the 316,916 votes Obama received in 2008.

That kind of makes the article’s headline seem silly: Biden’s Performance In Milwaukee County Raises Questions About Wisconsin Votes.

So now you are suggesting this is about new voters? The 335 new voters in Milwaukee?

2008 United States presidential election in Wisconsin (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)
2004 November 4, 2008 2012
Turnout 69.2% ((Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) 3.7%)[1]
(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.) (Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Nominee Barack Obama John McCain
Party Democratic Republican
Home state Illinois Arizona
Running mate Joe Biden Sarah Palin
Electoral vote 10 0
Popular vote 1,677,211 1,262,393
Percentage 56.22% 42.31%

I am not sure how you got the table to carry over from Wikipedia, but I trust you can see that Obama in 2008 got 1,677,211 votes while Biden in 2020 is getting 1,630,500. That does not quite match your story. 47,000 voters from Wisconsin voted for Obama in 2008 but did not vote for Biden, so maybe Obama was more popular than Biden?
toabb . . .
never said he was more popular. More than likely people felt more compelled this year to vote to rid the USA of the current cancer in office.
Nor did I.

I said that allegedly Biden is more popular than Obama (according to you), “at least as far as the presidential vote getting.”

Here it is again. . . .
toabb (on Biden allegedly being more popular than Obama in a now even lower-population Milwaukee County. At least as far as presidential vote getting) . . . .

Why change what I said?
toabb (on Biden allegedly being more popular than Obama in a now even lower-population Milwaukee County. At least as far as presidential vote getting) . . . .
Bold added by me here for emphasis.

That’s what an election is. Vote acquisition.
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