Biden, Harris advocate for gun confiscation under pretext of buybacks

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After 8 years of being told Obama was going to confiscate our weapons, I would hope we’ve learned to ignore NRA scare tactics.
Shockingly, I agree with @puer.dei’s assessment, though I disagree with the characterization. And any agenda Biden has on that front will very likely be DOA in the Senate after the GA elections preserve the Republican majority.
Shockingly, I agree with @puer.dei’s assessment, though I disagree with the characterization. And any agenda Biden has on that front will very likely be DOA in the Senate after the GA elections preserve the Republican majority.
There is no doubt the Dems have the desire for gun confiscation, they’ve gone on record repeatedly.

They just don’t have the means, at least until they pack SCOTUS.
After 8 years of being told Obama was going to confiscate our weapons, I would hope we’ve learned to ignore NRA scare tactics.
Tell that to the veterans who were RE-DEFINED as mentally incompetent for needing accounting help and lost their guns under Obama.
Exactly, there’s no way they want to disarm BLM/antifa I mean it’s the military of the Democratic Party!
When they set up a National gun registry I’ll take the gun confiscation fears seriously. Until then it’s just talk, afaic.
CradleRC58 . . .

National Gun Registry Creation Carries 15-Year Sentence Under Joe Manchin, Pat Toomey Deal​

Well I guess that settles it!

You can count on Government to never overturn a prior law to infringe upon its law-abidding citizens. Even in times of trouble or crisis when people may want to have those rights most secure of all times!


As a matter-of-fact, we can just plain old depend on Government for all our desires and take 'em at their word that they will never infringe upon our Second Amendment Rights.

Those doggone conservatives look at us like we are wrong but we really know better.

Gun confiscation during Hurricane Katrina, Part I​

The great gun confiscation of Hurricane Katrina – Part 2​

NRA: The Untold Story of Gun Confiscation After Katrina​


Mar 7, 2007
Biden promises to put Beto O’Rourke in charge of gun control (
He notably railed against automatic weapons during a presidential debate in September and reiterated his backing of a mandatory gun buyback program, saying such weapons were “designed to kill on the battlefield.”

“Hell, yes, we’re going to take your AR-15, your AK-47,” O’Rourke said. “We’re not going to allow it to be used against our fellow Americans anymore."
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