Biden now opposes Hyde Amendment

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There goes the one shred of pro-life credibility that he once had.
That’s really sad to hear. I used to have some respect for Biden. The Democrats have gone so far to the left the past few years, I’m guessing partly as a reaction to Trump. It was only a few years ago that the Hyde Amendment had almost universal bi-partisan support, now all the Dems oppose it. Biden is still the most reasonable of the Democratic candidates, but that’s not saying much.

In better news, Democratic governor of Louisiana, John Bel Edwards, signed the heartbeat bill in his state.
It really doesn’t matter. Even if Biden is the Democratic candidate, he will not beat Trump. It’s a shame there are no better candidates on either side of the aisle.
Even if Biden is the Democratic candidate, he will not beat Trump.
Mr.Biden seems tired and old now.
Is Vice Pres. Biden a Catholic?
I think so. In case you have not noticed there seems to be a shift to the left in the attitudes and beliefs of many Roman Catholics since Vatican II. And this is noticeable in Roman Catholic politicians. Polls cited by Roman Catholic journals, indicate that many Roman Catholics now appear to have no moral problem with artificial contraception, divorce, abortion, SS marriage and homosexual activity within a committed relationship. Before Vatican II, I don’t think you would find many Roman Catholics in favor of SS marriage.
And the sad thing is that he is still the most conservative Democratic candidate who could realistically be nominated. Tulsi Gabbard has in the past taken somewhat conservative stances on various issues, but she probably will not get the nomination (VP is a possibility).
It’s such a shame that Democrats have become so vicious, heartless, and cruel about unborn life. As Pope Francis says, abortion is never the answer, and never justified. Yet Catholic politicians continue to either justify it or to provide cover for abortion by deflecting onto other issues. Even worse, some Catholics use tortured logic to actually vote for these pro-abortion politicians.

Christ, have mercy.
I wonder what the circumstances are that changed??..oh that’s right…now he supports killing babies in all circumstances.
From what I heard from him at a press conference, Joe Biden’s change came because of what is going on in some of the southern states, where Republicans are putting forth bills that will set back the Pro-Life movement for many years to come.
For years, things have been getting better as abortions have been down in this country, but by forcing the issue in states like Alabama and Georgia, I feel that these well-intentions folks will set things back as Pro-Choice proponents will be mobilized and energized for the next election.
I think so. In case you have not noticed there seems to be a shift to the left in the attitudes and beliefs of many Roman Catholics since Vatican II. And this is noticeable in Roman Catholic politicians. Polls cited by Roman Catholic journals, indicate that many Roman Catholics now appear to have no moral problem with artificial contraception, divorce, abortion, SS marriage and homosexual activity within a committed relationship. Before Vatican II, I don’t think you would find many Roman Catholics in favor of SS marriage.
Well, this is one that I don’t think Vatican II has anything to do with. In the US, the northern Catholics were primarily Democrats for many decades before Vatican II

This was primarily because the Northern Democrats had programs where local ward bosses would help Catholic immigrants find homes in Catholic ghettos in order to secure their vote.

The rent was dirt cheap and when elections came, the new citizens were told they needed to vote Democrat to keep their home.

The New Deal also cause urban Catholics to join the Democrats just like it caused urban African Americans to join the Democrats.

Therefore, Democratic Party became the primary party for Catholics in the North by the time WW2 ended (if not before).

And as far as Birth Control is concerned, there were many Catholics who wanted to see birth control allowed after the Church of England allowed it. Back in the 30s the Pope had to write a document about the immorality of birth control. Then, during the 50s and 60s many Catholics thought this would change, esp after the pill was released. Many theologians, bishops & cardinals were arguing for birth control and still dissented after Paul VI.

Also the Catholic priests who convinced the Kennedys to accept abortion were not persuaded by Vatican II. They already had heretical views long before that.

The post Vatican II was hijacked by the liberals, but Vatican II didn’t create the liberals. The Freemasons in Europe did.
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Only God can determine who is good and bad. We all are sinners, Brother. Myself included. Let the person who is without sin throw the first stone.
Very simple, he was being heavily criticized by the growing far-left wing of the democratic party. The Warrenistas and Sanderistas and the AOCistas. He caved. Its a shame.
Also the Catholic priests who convinced the Kennedys to accept abortion were not persuaded by Vatican II.
But the ideas of those priests were influenced by Father John Courtney Murray who distinguished “between the moral aspects of an issue and the feasibility of enacting legislation about that issue.” And please note that it was Father John Courtney Murray whose ideas had great influence over the Council. For example, Father Murray was responsible for the Council’s support of religious freedom: Dignitatis humanae personae which passed by a vote of 2,308 to 70.
Also the Catholic priests who convinced the Kennedys to accept abortion were not persuaded by Vatican II. They already had heretical views long before that.
Do you really think that the views of Father John Courtney Murray were heretical? It is true though that even though Dignitatis humanae was passed by a vote of 2308 to 70 there are those who think that this document contradicts the Syllabus of Errors of Pope Pius IX.
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Before Vatican II, I don’t think you would find many Roman Catholics in favor of SS marriage.
Ok, this is really going too far. Vatican II was a 45 years ago. Until 2000-2008 you would have found very few people in favor of SS marriage. Heck, Obama ran for president in 2008 on a platform opposed to same sex marriage. Yes, the trend was already established, but it did not pick up steam until 2009,2010. And yes it is, of a sorts a culmination of the cultural changes we have seen since the 50s and 60s. But unless you are taking the position that the Church, sans Vatican II, would have been able to stem the tide of those cultural changes, there is no way one should imply that Vatican II had anything to do with legalization of SS marriage.
Only God can determine who is good and bad. We all are sinners, Brother. Myself included. Let the person who is without sin throw the first stone.
God determines who is saved and who is not. Anyone can objectively determine if someone is good or bad based on the moral teachings of God.

The prostitute was being judged and condemned to death when Jesus gave us that lesson. A lesson that has been abused to say that no one can even point out a sinful action. Judging whether an action is objectively bad or a sin is not a sin itself. Condemning someone to hell is a sin as we cannot possibly know for sure that outcome. No one condemned Joe Biden to hell, they said he was a bad Catholic. Someone who publicly opposes Catholic teaching is a bad Catholic. That shouldn’t even be a discussion.
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Judge Bushum, I did not realize you were appointed by anyone on this Earth to tell us who are the Good Catholics and the Bad Catholics.
Thanks for your incite.
I wonder what the circumstances are that changed??.
The Hyde Amendment is now the new litmus test, probably because of the now anticipated overturn of Roe vs Wade which is seen as stripping abortion rights but it really doesn’t.

We worked hard on the Hyde Amendment living in the same district as Henry Hyde and repealing it is offensive to me and flat out wrong.
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Yes but so are Pelosi, Kerry, Keane, and a bunch of others who have no problem accepting abortion as a woman’s right. And even those who call themselves prolife are okay with the exceptions, not necessarily Democrats. So unfortunately abortion clinics will still be around.
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