Biden Puts Major League Spin on Tiny Crowd, as Bon Jovi Plays to '12 People and 7 Pumpkins'

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Biden Puts Major League Spin on Tiny Crowd, as Bon Jovi Plays to ‘12 People and 7 Pumpkins’​

By Mike Miller | Oct 25, 2020 12:00 PM ET

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(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Not only did Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden hold another embarrassingly tiny rally on Saturday; he tried to put a positive spin on it by claiming he prefers that only a few people show up at his events because the minuscule “crowds” reduce COVID-19 spread.

So how small was it? Joe could’ve held the event in his basement and there would’ve been enough space for everyone to properly social distance. In fact, it was so small that rock & roll icon Jon Bon Jovi played to 12 people and seven pumpkins. That’s how small it was.

But here’s the thing. Just because Biden draws “crowds” that would fit inside your neighbor’s minivan doesn’t mean he doesn’t make news — usually by saying something ridiculous, lying about things he’s said in the past, or in Saturday’s case, as reported by . . . .
“12 people and 7 pumpkins” brought hundreds of cars? What an accomplishment! Can’t wait for the scientific papers showing how they did that!
Were they remote-control driverless cars? Ghost cars? Transformers in disguise? Enquiring minds want to know.
There were no “hundreds of cars” (“brought hundreds of cars?”) with Bon Jovi.

Look at the video.

You are confusing today in Atlanta with the Bon Jovi “concert”…


Joe Biden Addresses Record Crowd of 771 People in 365 Cars in Atlanta​


Joe Biden in Atlanta (Drew Angerer / Getty)

Drew Angerer / Getty

Joel B. Pollak

27 Oct 2020197


Former Vice President Joe Biden addressed a crowd of 771 people among 365 cars at a drive-in rally in Atlanta, Georgia, on Tuesday, making it “easily the largest event of the general election” for him, according to one reporter. . . .

. . . For comparison, an estimated 75,000 cars rallied for President Donald Trump in Miami last week.

Biden had an unusually busy day Tuesday, first addressing a small audience confined to individual, socially distant circles in Warm Springs, Georgia; and then addressing the drive-in event in Atlanta as part of a last-minute pitch for the Peach State.

Biden has spent many days in September and October at his home in Wilmington, Delaware, “calling a lid” — ending any availability to the press — by mid-morning.

He has sold his avoidance of crowds as a deliberate strategy to model responsible behavior . . .

. . . Even during the primary, however, Biden was not a large draw. In Charleston, South Carolina, just days before the state’s crucial primary at the end of February, Joe Biden barely managed to fill half a gymnasium. . . .
. . . Biden introduced himself at the rally as “Jill Biden’s husband” and “Kamala’s running mate,” referring to Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA).

One commenter called this Biden event: A “superspreader event” (spreading baloney).

Also I told you folks a couple of weeks ago or so when Biden was in Arizona and nobody came, and he (his campaign) was saying that was on purpose and that they are LIMITING their events to 50 people because of the pandemic, I told you back then that was false too.
Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona World News
Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona. (News media apparently an exception.) Joe and Kamala “firing up the base!” I will be surprised if the mainstream media substantially covers this story. But can you IMAGINE if President Trump held a Trump Rally in say, Dallas, TX or even “Podunk” Wherever and NOBODY showed up?? It would be front-page news for days. . Literally zero spectators at joint Biden-Harris campaign appearance in Arizona Who are you goi…
I said, when the campaign gets to the home stretch, and Biden pulls this (more than 50 people event) I would tell you.

Excuse-makers will say: "Well Cathoholic. This is a CAR event! Well he could have had car events BEFORE too. The other thing is he did not say he was going to exception car events.

No. This is exactly what I expected from Biden. And even this super-spreading baloney event is a tiny crowd despite being way over Joe’s pretend limit.
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puer.dei. This from your own “fact check” link that you posted here.
“They want to keep the crowds to a minimum,” Garcia said of the Biden campaign. “They realize we are in a pandemic, and they don’t want a crowd of more than 50 people at any of their events.”

As I said to someone else on that thread where Biden and Harris drew “goose eggs” for their “crowd” (here). . . .
What are you going to say when Biden and Harris have large visitor venues later as the election approaches?

To the readers:

These “Fact Checks” are propaganda. (Just like the “polls”.)

Don’t fall for this stuff. (What this election is really all about is ABORTION.)

Nobody (or almost nobody) is voting for Biden. The leftists are voting AGAINST Trump.
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Well, it’s pretty clear that people don’t turn out to rally for Biden like they do for Trump. I guarantee you that the Trump rallies lately have drawn way more than 365 cars apiece.

However, I’m not sure that the number of attendees at his rallies says anything about the number of votes he’ll get or has already gotten through mail-in voting. People who have already voted for Biden or already plan to do so might not feel a need to go to his rally, even in a car, and especially since they’re more likely to support social distancing.
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Tis_Bearself . . .
However, I’m not sure that the number of attendees at his rallies says anything about the number of votes he’ll get . . .
Certainly a good point.

Hillary had some dud crowds too but still got a lot of the vote.

We’ll just have to wait and see.
People who have already voted for Biden or already plan to do so might not feel a need to go to his rally, even in a car, and especially since they’re more likely to support social distancing.
There have been livestreams for some of the Biden-Harris events. People that have wanted to hear what they have to say have also had the option of staying home and watching.
All the Trump rallies are also livestreamed to my knowledge. There is also video available after the event.

People just think Trump rallies are fun. Many of them went to his rallies even during the years when he wasn’t campaigning for office.
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