The idea that there was a singularity in the beginning that eventually became all of this by sudden inflation (i.e. the Big Bang) is simply wrong according to modern physics. Generally when a singularity arises in physics (this case being a part of Einstein’s theory of relativity) it means that the theory is not an accurate description of reality at this point and that the theory either needs some tweaking or another theory needs to arise and explain this apparent discrepancy in the past theory. Problems like these happened all the time in classical mechanics. Relativity was a response to that. All the Big Bang really predicts about the “origin of the universe” is that for some reason the laws of physics as we normally understand them didn’t work before the end of the Planck Epoch. Although scientists still do not fully understand how to solve these problems, many are looking for a solution and there are some theories which predict an infinite universe or even a cycle of universes. Nobody is saying they’re correct yet but they could be and in fact it seems likely that a time in physics will come when we can have an understanding of what “happened” before the big bang. As theists, how are we to respond to this since it is in our faith to believe that God alone has always existed and that it is he who created the universe ex nihilo. Could science really be on the verge of disproving the need for a creator?
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