I agree with you’re saying that you ‘think’Actually I think that’s the exact opposite of what the word implication implies.
And I too have been wondering whether or not you know what Imply actually means…
And I’m not referring to ‘Infer’
The HEADER of this Thread Is: Big Bang doesn’t imply a beginning to the universe?
One should re-read that Opening Post in order to see what YHWH_Christ meant by that question
Implication, Evidence, Proof/Fact … are distinct from one another
Just as Black Holes have come to be seen (somewhat recently)
as Implying / Evidencing that perhaps they spawn other universes via Yes Educated Ponderings,
said Evidencings are still yet Not FACT
The Big Bang Implies/Evidences as well - and for that reason were/are taken as FACT…
Inference, Evidence, Proof/Fact … are distinct from one another …
So perhaps we’ve been speaking past one another
That said? Yes, This Universe Exists - and no one definitively knows if any other Universes Exist
Yes… The Big Bang IMPLIES the UNIVERSE had a Beginning…
The Big Bang Theory of the ex nihilo (from out of nothing) Origin/Beginning of the Universe was first proposed in 1927 by a Catholic priest - which in turn melds with Genesis - and recognized by Phsyics with The Simularity - of No Mass … and spawned the long-time held belief throughout most of that time up to the present time which is still held by some yet not all - that the Big Bang is the Beginning of the Universe - is FACT… And of which, with its potential connection of dove-tailing with the Bible and God - never sat very well with for instance, those - such as Atheists - some of whom actively oppose anything which might imply and therefore infer that God Exists!
That said?
I’m Not claiming in any manner by what I’ve said above - that therefore, God Exists!
God’s Existence or Not - is a totally distinct topic.
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