Please see the above answers. Sorry, but I’m trying to figure out the quotation function in the forum.Thanks to you two, now readers and yours truly are again being enlightened about evolution.
Perhaps you might be interested to also contribute to this thread by telling us all in concise and precise and relevant words:
In science, you start with an hypothesis (an ‘idea’ or concept deducted via controlled observation of some phenomena. The hypothesis needs to be tested in a controlled and repeatable fashion as described in the Scientific Method) …once the hypothesis is determined to be correct through this testing process, it then advances to become a scientific ‘theory.’ The theory represents a scientific ‘fact,’ until it is disproven by another hypothesis. So a theory is the current fact …it may not be correct, but has so far been true in test after test, and it defies the challenges of alternative hypotheses. I believe this answers parts 2 and 3 of your question. I would define Evolution as being a proven theory in science because of what I mentioned before …that DNA mutation during replication IS evidence that clearly shows that evolution exists in organisms, and always has. The word ‘random’ is used to describe the mutation of DNA sequencing during replication …I would question the randomness of it though in the case of man. The mutation could be directed by God in such a way as to develop homo sapiens as we know the species to be. The Bible says A) That the Bible itself is God’s word (or God speaking to man. B) The Bible says that Jesus is God. C) The Bible says that Jesus spoke in parables, and without a parable, He did not speak. Logically then, one must come to the assumption that the entire Bible is a parable. A parable is defined as a story that illustrates some spiritual truth indirectly, and may be based in fact, fiction, or a combination of both. Hence, one can deduce that the entire Bible is a mixture of symbolic representations which indirectly convey spiritual truths. The Bible is not meant to be read literally. It is symbolic. I don’t understand how a person considers evolution as being in conflict with the Bible at all. If evolution occurred in homo sapiens, then there is no way to say that God did not direct the mutations and the process. This can not be proven either. I myself am a Christian, and I believe evolution did occur, and is quite logical. Cheers~
- Is evolution a fact and/or a theory?
Now, I will ask you two for a personal favor, tell me what do you think is my purpose in authoring this thread, namely, “Big bang fact vs big bang theory.”
- What is a fact?
- What is a theory?
-Again, The Big Bang ‘theory,’ is not a theory as it is unproven, and can not be proven with today’s technologies. It is an hypothesis. The same principle apples …it the Big Bang Theory occurred, who can say that God did not direct it to be so and in the manner in which He did? If you take away the planets, stars, space debri and everything else, then you are left with just ‘space.’ If you fire a projectile into space, it travels at a distance and speed that can be measured, so it therefore exists. You can ask any scientist where did ‘space’ come from, and all they can say is, "I don’t know."But, simple logic and scientific principles point to the concept that it space itself HAD to be created. Its really quite simple.
And also, tell me how am I going about it?
-A discussion can lead into other topics because they apply and are related. Why do you need to say, this ‘should be discussed, and this should not be discussed’? (paraphrasing).
Thanks in advance.