Big Question!

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You must absolutely buy, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest Karl Keating’s Catholicism and Fundamentalism. Buy two copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – one for you and one for your friend.

God be with you.
I agree with most of the posts in this thread, and I think you’re going to be a great apologist someday soon-especially with all the reading and studying you’re doing. It’s wonderful that God can use your friend’s lack of knowledge of the Church to draw you closer to Him.

I would, however, like to clarify something said about the Boston Church of Christ. I used to be a member of this church, and they DO NOT teach that salvation is based on how many people you convert. They teach that it’s based on faith in Christ and baptism. Now, please don’t misunderstand me, I’m not at all saying the BCC is the only Church or that they are correct in their doctrine, but I don’t like it when misinformation is presented. There’s enough evidence against them without having to spread rumors or make things up.

Scout :tiphat:
You must absolutely buy, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest Karl Keating’s Catholicism and Fundamentalism. Buy two copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – one for you and one for your friend.God be with you.
After you’ve read Karl’s book twice, give it to your friend to read.
You must absolutely buy, read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest Karl Keating’s Catholicism and Fundamentalism. Buy two copies of the Catechism of the Catholic Church – one for you and one for your friend.

God be with you.
Mr. Keating’s book is next on the reading list. I have the Catechism, and referred to it many times during our Bible studies, together. She was very curious why I needed the Catechism when I had the Bible in my hand.

Since I am so new at this, I really don’t have a clue how anyone ever overcomes the Sola Scriptura argument. I think that has to be the hardest! Of course, once you understand the role of Tradition, the Catholic Church is right there! Being raised Catholic, I had never heard of Sola Scriptura.

I am amazed that there is nothing wrong with a CoC (or whatever denomination) going to their Bible study leader, elder, minister, whatever to ask for help in the interpretation of the Bible, but they think we are wrong for following the same “interpretation”, if you will, for 2000 years! Sigh.:banghead:

She asked me the other day if I didn’t think we were intelligent enough to interpret the Bible on our own. (Both of us are electrical engineers:nerd:) I actually laughed, and asked her how many times she made notes during our Bible studies so that she could ask the guy leading the study at her church. Too numerous to count!

ask her where in the bible is it written that we can interpret the bible on our own ?
nowhere in the bible does it say that we have the guarantee that we are infallibly interpreting it. There are 30,000 denominations in the world and all of them have a different interpretation of the bible.
the bible says this:
2Tim 3:16-17 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,
so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.

Notice that this verse DOES NOT say that we can infallibly interpret it. It only says it is for teaching, correcting and doesn’t say anything about interpreting.
Also, ask your friend where in the bible it says that the bible alone is the sole rule of faith and morals?

If we accept the bible alone theory, then we must be able to find evidence for this bible alone theory in the bible, right?
otherwise, if it’s not in the bible, then it’s not “bible truth” now is it?

your friend will have some kind of an answer, that it’s self evident or something like that, but we already have an answer to that.
21 reasons why Sola Scriptura is false:

1. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura is not taught anywhere in the Bible

2Tim3:16-17 ; Rev 22:18-19

2. The Bible Indicates that In Addition to the Written Word, we are to accept Oral Tradition
1Cor 11:2 ; 2 Thes 2:15

3. The Bible Calls the Church and not the Bible the "Pillar and Ground of the Truth."
1Tim 3:15 ; Matt 16:19

4. Christ tells us to submit to the Authority of the Church
Matt 18:15-18

5. Scripture itself states that it is insufficient of itself as a teacher, but rather needs an interpreter.
2 Pet 3:16 ; Acts 8:26-40 ; 2 Pet 1:20

6. The first Christians did not have a Bible
John 16:13

7. The Church produced the Bible not vice-versa
Luke 10:16 ; Mark 16:15

8. The idea of the Scripture’s Authority existing apart from the authority of the Teacher Church is utterly foreign to the Early Church.

9. Heresies and heretical movements based their doctrines on Scripture interpreted apart from Tradition and the Magisterium.

10. The Canon of the Bible was not settled until the 4th Century.
It was not until the Synod of Rome (382) and the Councils of Hippo (393) and Carthage (397) that we find a definitive list of canonical books being drawn up, and each of these Councils acknowledged the very same list of books.

11. An “Extra-Biblical” Authority Identified the Canon of the Bible.

12. The Belief that Scripture is “Self-Authenticating” Does Not Hold Up under Examination

13. None of the Original Biblical Manuscripts is Extant.

14. The Biblical Manuscripts Contain Thousands of Variations

15. There Are Hundreds of Bible Versions.

16. The Bible Was Not Available to Individual Believers until the 15th Century with the advent of the printing press.

17. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura Did Not Exist anywhere in CHristian belief prior to the 14th Century.

18. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura Produces Bad Fruit, Namely, Division and Disunity . (It does not line up with the One Body in Eph 4:1-6)

19. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura Does Not Allow for a Final, Definitive Interpretation of any given Passage of Scripture. (Subjectivism)

20. The Protestant Bible Is Missing 7 Entire Books

21. The Doctrine of Sola Scriptura Had its Source in Luther’s Own Emotional Problems.
More than once, I have recommended the tapes by Catholic apologist John Martignoni. They can be purchased, there are even six free ones, at
One of the reasons I recommend his tapes for discussing religion with Protestants of almost any stripe is that he lives in Birmingham, Alabama and has been debating Protestants in the"Bible belt" for years. Every Catholic doctrine and dogma he uses and every Protestant stance he demolishes is based in Scripture. Protestants understand his approach, and he understands them.
Also, he’s ALWAYS courteous and calm, has a great delivery and a wonderful sense of humor.
If you have access to EWTN radio, he’s on their '“Open Line” program Thursdays, 3:00 P.M. Eastern, Noon Pacific.
He’s very accessible via e-mail and usually will help you if you contact him.
Others on this board recommend him as highly as I do.
I recommend his tapes for discussing religion with Protestants of almost any stripe is that he lives in Birmingham, Alabama and has been debating Protestants in the"Bible belt" for years.
I will check it out! I’m living smack in the “Bible Belt,” only 60 miles from B’ham!!!
Hi Stacey

I am truly sorry you are going through all that. I also sorry that I don’t have an answer for you. All I can say is that your issue was well put. and I am also going through the similar situation. I am very curious at to what kind of answers you will get. Perhaps the person that will give you an proper answer will kill two birds with one stone. I could not have put my issue as good as you did. It looks like you were speaking for me.
Thank you for asking that question.

More than once, I have recommended the tapes by Catholic apologist John Martignoni. They can be purchased, there are even six free ones, at

Others on this board recommend him as highly as I do.
Just visited the site and read some of his apologetics lessons. Good stuff…thanks.

Of course you are in the right place. Catholic Answers and EWTN have great apologetics literature and shows. My favorite thing so far though are these Friendly Defender flash cards I ordered from the EWTN online catalog. They have a typical Protestant question on the front, and sensible answers with scripture references on the back. They have been immensely helpful to me and they are perfect for kids!! God Bless you and hang in there!! 👍
Of course you are in the right place. Catholic Answers and EWTN have great apologetics literature and shows. My favorite thing so far though are these Friendly Defender flash cards I ordered from the EWTN online catalog. They have a typical Protestant question on the front, and sensible answers with scripture references on the back. They have been immensely helpful to me and they are perfect for kids!! God Bless you and hang in there!! 👍
I have been considering buying these for myself! Thanks for the info! I’ll pick up a set!
I am truly sorry you are going through all that. I also sorry that I don’t have an answer for you. All I can say is that your issue was well put. and I am also going through the similar situation. I am very curious at to what kind of answers you will get. Perhaps the person that will give you an proper answer will kill two birds with one stone. I could not have put my issue as good as you did. It looks like you were speaking for me.
Thank you for asking that question.
I am sorry for you as well, but I’m glad that someone else can learn from this thread! Good luck to you!
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