are you advocating that homosexuals be killed? you should be careful with your wording. while the Church does indeed teach that homosexual ACTS are mortal sins, we have to make sure to make a distinction: a “homosexual” is one who commits homosexual acts. There are many men and women who love Christ and obey His Church who struggle with same-sex attractions. the Church calls these people to a life of celibacy. Please be more careful in what you post, or you may make these people–the faithful who struggle with same-sex attractions but are celibate as the Church teaches–you may make these people feel as though thet deserve to die. many of them already have suicidal thoughts. have love and mercy towards them. they struggle with sin like we all do. again, i want to make it clear that i AM NOT saying it’s ok to engage in homosexual acts. but struggling with same-sex attractions through no fault of one’s own, and dealing with it by praying to Christ and living a chaste life is NOT a sin. they are not homosexuals because they do not practice homosexuality.
I am one of those people that has temptations of a homosexual nature, & I am not saying “kill gays”, but I am not going to pretend for a second that homosexaulity is just a sexual act. Anyone that professes to be a homosexual is in fact trying to make a liar out of God. GOD DOES NOT MAKE PEOPLE GAY & NO ONE IS BORN GAY. I put no faith in science, I put faith in the Word of God. The Word is eternal, science is a flash in the pan.
Temptations towards homosexuality is just that, temptation. Jesus tells us to resist the devil & he will flee from us, so for all the people that “struggle” & have this feeling or that I ask where is your strength? In your feelings? In your own perverted desires? If you really “love” God as you may claim, then why are you like a dog that eats it’s own vomit or a swine that returns to it’s slop? I include myself here. Unlike most people I know exactly why I sin & what fruits I will reap from my disobedience, but I will not make excuses for any of it.
Let’s not be so quick to pity these people (myself included), who “struggle” with homosexual feelings. They ( I ) don’t need special treatment, but a deeper spiritual awakening. For some people to say “woe is me” is just a crutch & suicidal tendencies (of which I have experienced since the age of 13) are nothing more than feelings & weakness. I admit when I fall & fail & give in to temptation, but I don’t cater to anyones pity party, for whatever reasons. Compassion is one thing, but let’s be real.
I quoted scripture & trully feel that the “eye for an eye” approach to certain crimes should be applied, but again I am not saying “kill gays” or that they should kill themselves, but they should strive to “kill” the instances where they fall into temptations & put to death their own desires. St. Paul said that we who are in Christ have put to death our former selves & put on a New self, this applies to everyone that claims to “love” God.
Jesus said that if we do not deny our very selves then we are not worthy of being called his disciple. We are all sinners, but let’s not make excuses for our sinfulness. I don’t.