Bill Clinton in Switzerland

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WHOA. Check this out…:tiphat:

Bill Clinton, on stage with Charlie Rose, in Davos, Switzerland today:

“And most of the terrible things that Saddam Hussein did in the 1980s he did with the full, knowing support of the United States government. Because he wasn’t Iran, and Iran was what it was because we got rid of their parliamentary democracy back in the '50s. At least that’s my belief. I know it is not popular for an American ever to say anything like this, but I think it is true.”
Applause from the Davos crowd.

Does Senator Clinton agree with this analysis?
Remind me again what Clinton did to protect the country from terrorism.
WHOA. Check this out…:tiphat:

Bill Clinton, on stage with Charlie Rose, in Davos, Switzerland today:

“And most of the terrible things that Saddam Hussein did in the 1980s he did with the full, knowing support of the United States government. Because he wasn’t Iran, and Iran was what it was because we got rid of their parliamentary democracy back in the '50s. At least that’s my belief. I know it is not popular for an American ever to say anything like this, but I think it is true.”
Applause from the Davos crowd.

Does Senator Clinton agree with this analysis?
  1. Consider his audience and why they are there-who else can they talk against to get a round of applause but the US?
  2. He forgot to mention that erstwhile member of his party, Jimmy Carter who is largely responsible for bringing down the Shah of Iran.
  3. He also forgot to mention that he served two terms as President and did nothing to “right” these wrongs nor can I ever recall hearing him make a major public address on it.
Ah amnesia apparently is a popular political illness.
He also forgot to mention how Reagan gave Saddam the WMD’s that he used to gas the Kurds.
He also forgot to mention how Reagan gave Saddam the WMD’s that he used to gas the Kurds.
Right. Should we have given them instead to Iraq’s enemy, Soviet satellite Iran, who just years before took Americans hostage???

Oh, that’s right, you think national security is a pure-as-the-driven-snow pollyana-perfect business. I forgot for a second how liberals think about this.
He also forgot to mention how Reagan gave Saddam the WMD’s that he used to gas the Kurds.
To my knowledge Reagan gave no poison gas to the Iraqis.

This History news network article entitled “Did the United States Supply Saddam with Biological Weapons in the 1980s?” is a good reference.
Maybe Bill Clinton hit his head while skiing into a tree to say such things :banghead:
I am glad His presidency Is over…but the horror remains.
WHOA. Check this out…:tiphat:

Bill Clinton, on stage with Charlie Rose, in Davos, Switzerland today:

“And most of the terrible things that Saddam Hussein did in the 1980s he did with the full, knowing support of the United States government. Because he wasn’t Iran, and Iran was what it was because we got rid of their parliamentary democracy back in the '50s. At least that’s my belief. I know it is not popular for an American ever to say anything like this, but I think it is true.”
Applause from the Davos crowd.

Does Senator Clinton agree with this analysis?
What’s incorrect about this statement, exactly? I think it’s pretty good insight.
Sorry, but for Bill Clinton to publicly bash our nation and President while being in a foreign country/land–that is…
There is a book:

First Strike : TWA Flight 800 and the Attack on Americaby Jack Cashill, James Sanders

**Editorial Reviews
From Publishers Weekly
For conspiracy buffs and skeptics alike, Cashill and Sanders’ reconstruction of the investigation into the July 1996 explosion of TWA Flight 800 is a real page-turner. The authors, who also produced the video Silenced: Flight 800 and the Subversion of Justice, contend that the U.S. government, from the White House to the NTSB, FBI and CIA, systematically tried to obscure the real cause of the explosion with a false theory of mechanical failure. The cover-up, the authors maintain, was motivated by then-incumbent President Clinton, who decided that “only a catastrophe…could prevent his reelection in November. He would not let Flight 800 be that catastrophe.” Cashill and Sanders make use of evidence from FBI witness summaries, transcripts of agency meetings and reports, conflicting press coverage, scientific data and their own interviews with witnesses and experts to conclude that TWA Flight 800 was brought down by a Navy missile, whose intended target was a terrorist plane on a collision course with the passenger aircraft. Throughout the book, the authors make much of what they cast as the mainstream media’s collusion with government agencies in parroting the official (read: Democratic) party line on the investigation, such that “no newsroom more influential than the Riverside, California, Press-Enterprise would dare to look beneath the surface.” But Cashill and Sanders are by no means above politics, and often cannot conceal their contempt for Clinton and his sympathizers: “Two decades spent abusing the power with which Clinton had been entrusted had permanently corroded his character,” they write. Whether such sentiments enhance or detract from the authors’ argument depends on the personal leanings of the reader, of course. But sadly, whatever one’s political views, in a post-9/11 world, a terrorist-related theory regarding Flight 800 sounds much less far-fetched than it may have to many in the comparatively innocent days of 1996.
Copyright 2003 Reed Business Information, Inc.

Product Description:
September 11, 2001, did not represent the first aerial assault against the American mainland. The first came on July 17,1996, with the downing of TWA Flight 800. This book looks in detail at what people saw and heard on this fateful night.

*First Strike *explains how a determined corps of ordinary citizens worked to reveal the compromise and corruption that tainted the federal investigation. With an impressive array of facts, Jack Cashill and James Sanders show the relationship between events in July 1996 and September 2001 and proclaim how and why the American government has attempted to cover up the truth.

And he said, “Nothing Happened”?
What’s incorrect about this statement, exactly? I think it’s pretty good insight.
WE failed Iran 50 years ago?? Hmmmm. Ok. Then Carter’s foreign policy had NOTHING to do with ANYTHING?? Helloooooooo?
I suppose we’re going to ignore the effects Clintons presidency has on the state of affairs today.
Michael C:
I suppose we’re going to ignore the effects Clintons presidency has on the state of affairs today.
Exactly my point. Clinton will blame Eisenhower before he’ll take a look at he policies of the modern democratic party??

It’s like the lawyers’ defense these day of criminals who don’t take responsibility for their actions and cry :crying: “my parents made me this way!”

Is it true, from an historic standpoint, that past administrations have failed <<cough, Carter, cough, Clinton, cough>> and contributed to present-day stuations?? Of course. Did Reagan give arms to less-than-desirable people like Saddam FIGHTING AGAINST SOVIET IRAN and Osama Bin Laden who was FIGHTING AGAINST THE SOVIETS INVADING AFGHANISTAN???

Yes, he did. AND…here’s a great and well articulated point in another thread:

**Jay74: **
For one, supporting someone we shouldn’t have doesn’t mean we can never oppose that same person.

Foreign policy and protecting our national security is something that Democrats get half-right. They have a foreign policy that’s for sure! But protecting our national security is a republican’s job these days. That’s why many sane democrats voted for Gerge W Bush this last November.**
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