Bill O'Reilly

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I’m not sure what the big deal is. I think we are allowed to express opinions here. I happen to think both Rush and Bill have big egos and they show it (IMO), thus my use of the adjective “pompous”. To me, that is not name calling. If I had called them “jerks”, then that is name calling.

Again, I happen to like the guys, and feel most their points are right on.

Sorry Al, I’m still annoyed from Mary Bobo jumping all over me.
Mike, I was out of line and I apologize. I was just exasperated by all the insults in many of the posts on this and other subjects. I can agree about the pomposity in some of the tv and radio personalities. I might be that way too if I had a talent such as theirs. It’s the “jerk” comments that really bug me ande you did not do that. Please accept my sincere apology.
Kristina P.:
Hrm. I agree with the right on moral issues like abortion and homosexual marriage, but I’m not sure I agree with them on all political issues. For this, I am often labeled “liberal.” Of course, I also disagree with the left on a lot of political issues, so I get stuck with some rather more nasty names from some of them.
I think this makes you a “Moderate”. 😃
mary bobo:
Mike, I was out of line and I apologize. I was just exasperated by all the insults in many of the posts on this and other subjects. I can agree about the pomposity in some of the tv and radio personalities. I might be that way too if I had a talent such as theirs. It’s the “jerk” comments that really bug me ande you did not do that. Please accept my sincere apology.
Apology accepted. Yes, reading some of the comments on this forum can be exasperating.
Hey everyone,

Just wanted to post something that has been bothering me. It has to do with the way O’Reilly treats the Catholic Church on the No Spin Zone. I understand many of you agree with his viewpoints, but he just seems vehemently anti-Catholic.

Time and time again, I’ve heard him call clergy and Church leaders villians and constantly question and find fault in their actions. He even criticized JP2 after he died. He never once mentions anything positive about the C.C., or Catholics for that matter. It seems like he caters totally to Protestants or Evangelicals, I guess because there are more of them and most are Republicans.

Last night was the final straw, he just seemed plain disrespectful to the two priests, he was verbally beating up on them for no good reason because he thinks the C.C. isn’t doing enough to join his little movement of boycotting businesses that say “Happy Holidays” instead of “Merry Christmas”.

Personally, I’ve had enough of him. It’s bad enough that he’s a sensationalist bag of hot air, he disrespects the Church for ratings, and I can’t deal with that.

Please opine away.
Frankly I did not care he chose to put Fr.Mc Brien on the show. This priest should be defrocked!

However I do agree with O’Reilly on this. The Holy Father spoke out but the American Bishops have not spoken a word, like they are afraid to say anything.
Time and time again, I’ve heard him call clergy and Church leaders villians and constantly question and find fault in their actions.
Like the Bishops who were juggling priests around who would abuse kids?

What did he say of JPII?

His whole show is about calling people on their actions. If someone is screwing up, he’s pointing it out.
From what I know mr orielly is a catholic and he always defends catholic principles.
o’reilly yes most of the time (rush and hannity, no way)

i like o’reilly because he exposes both sides not just the left. i don’t always agree with him, but that is fine
O’Reilly, Rush and Hannity are often called the most horrible things. They are despised by liberals, everywhere. Any time a liberal is faced with the utterings of a moral conservative, their best and only response is name-calling. Anyone who disagrees with the liberal ajenda better be prepared to be on the receiving end of an endless tirade of insults.

I happen to like O’Reilly, Rush and Hannity. To me, they represent morality that seems to have gone by the wayside in today’s modern secular society. You can depend on those three to support life, marriage and family. They can be counted on to support our country. By that profession, I realize that I expose myself to the insults hurled by liberals.

To me, the liberals are soft on crime, support abortion, homosexual marriage, more and bigger government, a weak military, and the continual removal of anything Christian. Liberals have no problem publically and before a global audience, denouncing just about anything having to do with this great country of ours.

Again, those who typically trash Bill, Rush and Sean will only use generic insults, not good, intelligent arguements to drive home their liberal points.
Okay, how about this: the only logic that Rush/Bill/Sean know are ad hominem attacks. Any idea that a Clinton puts forth is stupid only because it is an idea put forth by a Clinton.

2nd: Any “liberal” program under discussion is subjected to the logical fallacy of “reduction to the absurd”, in which a person will take a point and then, using hyperbole, make the program seem riduculous (kinda like my spelling).

If confronted, by a caller, by something they said earlier, the host will immediately ask the caller to repeat exactly what was said by the host. When the person doesn’t ('cuz they don’t have a tape recorder) the host then will ridicule that person for getting one minor thing wrong, when the caller was right about the big picture.

I listened to Sean the other day and was very disappointed with him. A person called his show and identified themselves as a liberal. His response: “How long have you been suffering?”.

O’Rielly is whipping up a frenzy with this whole Christmas/Holiday lunacy - and he sells “Holiday Ornaments”. He thinks that no one (Jew, Muslim, Pagan, Atheist, whatever) should be offended by the two words “Merry Christmas”, but he is offended by the two words Happy Holidays. Yeah, that makes sense to me.

We should abandon this fiction that we are a christian nation. We are not. We are a thoroughly secular nation which allows a great deal of religous freedom. Which is just fine by me. Looking at the decisions our latest christian president is making, I’d rather have an atheist as president.
We should abandon this fiction that we are a christian nation. We are not. We are a thoroughly secular nation which allows a great deal of religous freedom. Which is just fine by me. Looking at the decisions our latest christian president is making, I’d rather have an atheist as president.
I’m sorry to sound sarcastic here, but did you just hatch out of an egg? Where have you been? This country is certainly a predominiantly Christian nation; many polls reflect this. This country has a deep Christian history and culture that fairly recently has started to erode thanks to a very vocal small minority and their liberal courts.

Having said that, this country does allow a great deal of religious freedom, as it should. We agree on that. However, we shouldn’t let a small minority tell the other 85-90% that certain basic things in this country (that is part of our history and culture) need to change just because they don’t like it. We live in a democracy, where majority rules. If they can’t stand it, they can move. It sounds harsh, but too bad.

Our christian President did what he thought was right at the time. You may not agree with it, but thats the way it is. To question his faith (which I assume you were sarcasticly doing) just because you disagree with his actions is ridiculous. He is doing what he thinks is best for the country (right or wrong).

Have an atheist for a President? No thanks!! I’d rather have one that seeks his counsel from God.

BTW, I happen to agree with about 90% of what Bill says. Does he have a big ego? Yep, but what TV personality doesn’t? Can he get a little loud and obnoxious at times? Yes. However, most of the time, he is right on target.
From what I know mr orielly is a catholic and he always defends catholic principles.
Can you give an example? I’ve heard him defend basic Christian principles, but never exclusively Catholic. I just hear him bashing the church all the time, and making it sound like the whole Church is bad, not just a few select individuals.

I know plenty of “Catholics” that criticize the Church, he just does it with insane vigor in a forum that reaches millions of people.

As far as talking about JP2 after he died, he basically went after him saying he probably knew and should have done more to not juggle priests. This was about a day after JP2 dies.

It seems like he picks on the Catholics to me and never mentions anything good about the Church, once again, I think he does this to satisfy other religious groups in a certain political party.

I never hear the guy going after “faith healers” that have huge TV shows and rob elderly for millions of dollars in order to pruchase a ferrari.

Has he even said anything about Christian Churches being closed on Christmas? I think that’s a bit worse than Catholic leadership not demanding people say Merry Christmas. :rolleyes:
I’m sorry to sound sarcastic here, but did you just hatch out of an egg? Where have you been? This country is certainly a predominiantly Christian nation; many polls reflect this. This country has a deep Christian history and culture that fairly recently has started to erode thanks to a very vocal small minority and their liberal courts.
Let me clarify my thinking on this. You may be right about the US being founded on Christian principles (there are some who dispute this). The problem is that Christianity, in the United States, is just another voice in the marketing cacophany that we are bombarded with every day.

America might as well be pagan for the attention it is paying to Christian values. And what do the Christians propose to do about this increasely un-relevance of christianity? Put Christ back in Christmas!

I’m sure that will have everybody back in church in no time. :nope:

Much like the homosexual marriage issue, the “Put Christ Back in Christmas” issue is a distraction from the deeper spiritual crisis in America. (I firmly believe that the gay marriage issue was a god-send to republicans. They couldn’t get re-elected on any real issues, so when the liberals gave them this issue, it was Christmas come early. 🙂
Having said that, this country does allow a great deal of religious freedom, as it should. We agree on that. However, we shouldn’t let a small minority tell the other 85-90% that certain basic things in this country (that is part of our history and culture) need to change just because they don’t like it. We live in a democracy, where majority rules. If they can’t stand it, they can move. It sounds harsh, but too bad.

Our christian President did what he thought was right at the time. You may not agree with it, but thats the way it is. To question his faith (which I assume you were sarcasticly doing) just because you disagree with his actions is ridiculous. He is doing what he thinks is best for the country (right or wrong).
Actually, I voted for Bush both times, and I agreed with the war in Iraq. I still think the best defense is a good offense, b/c as long as the Muslims are reacting to us over there, they don’t have the resources to hurt us here.

But, after speaking with a Christian from Saudi Arabia, I’m not so sure. After the stories he told, we may have unlocked a Pandora’s box that we probably will regret. So I think that we need to stay in Iraq, but I don’t think that the war was quite as necessary as we believed in the first place.
Have an atheist for a President? No thanks!! I’d rather have one that seeks his counsel from God.
I don’t think that being a christian is a prerequisite for being a good leader. I’d rather have a good athiest president than a bad christian president. Prayer does not guarantee good decisions.
I am by no means a liberal. I’m just someone that doesn’t need people to think for me, and I can come to moral conclusions all by myself. I don’t need those “all-knowing” talking heads to tell me what to think, but unfortunatly, many people in this country need that.

These guys hate people for their ideas and stances. People in this country have the right to believe whatever the hell they want.

Anyway, in my eyes, Limbaugh and Oreilly lost a lot of credibility with thier little scandals.

First Rush, always trashtalking people that had substance abuse problems, when all along, he had the mother of all oxycontin addictions. So much so, he lost his hearing.

And O’reilly, with his sex scandal. Thankfully, he settled out of court for an undisclosed sum of money, rather than fight it in court. Oh, and I love hearing him constantly call the heads of the Catholic Church “villains”. Give me a break.
Depends on the Ideas and stances doesn’t it. You don’t like them for thier views. I don’t like people with views like, molesting children is OK (NAMBLA) This human is cramping my style so I will kill it. (pro Choice) Cheap labor is the way to run a business (Corporations) Jews should be killed (Nazis) and African Americans aren’t real people (racists) Yes people have a right to believe whatever they want but they also have the consequeses for that.
I dont agree with everything he says but I do have to compliment him on the war against Christmas project. He brought alot of heat against Macy’s and some other major players about not useing Merry Christmas, or saying Christmas season ect. I think God is useing him and others like John Gibson to bring back Merry Christmas! This nation is 86% Christian and if you try saying it to everyone you encounter you will most likely get a reply back such as Merry Christmas to you too!
Why is he so abrasive? And why does he beat dead horses? I agree with much of the substance of what he says, but I think his presentation is counter-productive. I guess it’s just his personality.
O’reilly’s okay. I agree w/ most of his views but he does come off as obnoxious. Hannity…, well, I like him, I think he tries, but he just doesn’t seem to grasp issues w/ any great depth. He just sounds like some guy off the street w/ a radio show. Rush…, I can’t find much to dispute w/ Rush. If you don’t like Rush, I think you’re taking yourself and him too seriously.

Just remember:

“Tolerance is the virtue of the man without convictions.” GK Chesterson
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