Bin Laden Against Elections. (New Tape)

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New Audiotape. Bin Laden is calling for Iraqi’s to boycott the elections.

DUBAI (Reuters) - An audio tape purportedly from al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden has urged Iraqis to boycott January parliamentary elections, Arabic Al Jazeera television said on Monday.

Shortly before airing the tape, the television said bin Laden backed Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as the Islamist network’s leader in Iraq.

Earlier this month, an audio tape purportedly from bin Laden urged militants to concentrate their attacks on Iraqi and Gulf oil facilities, saying it was the most powerful weapon against America.

After that tape was posted on the Internet, an intelligence official in Washington said an analysis had determined with “high confidence” that the tape contained the voice of bin Laden.
Al-Jazeera had not yet broadcast the audiotape, but said the voice proclaimed Jordanian terrorist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi as his deputy in Iraq.

Reuters reported that bin Laden declared any Iraqis who voted in the Jan. 30 elections would be regarded as infidels.,2933,142655,00.html
Reuters reported that bin Laden declared any Iraqis who voted in the Jan. 30 elections would be regarded as infidels.
Muslems who become infidels should be killed, by the way, according to Shi’i law.

In other words:

Vote AND Die

is his message.

Still say we should run away?
So Osama first is taking cues from Michael Moore, and now he’s getting electionering advice from P Diddy???
So Osama first is taking cues from Michael Moore, and now he’s getting electionering advice from P Diddy???
Unless we are to believe that he really is for the elections and issued this video because he thinks it will alienate people (ref: Dems talking points on the last Bin Laden election video).
Unless we are to believe that he really is for the elections and issued this video because he thinks it will alienate people (ref: Dems talking points on the last Bin Laden election video).
The most feared terrorist has been reduced to sitting in his cave and making home movies. You know…maybe he should start a blog.
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