Bio Weapons Being Sought

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THE international pursuit of Osama Bin Laden has not stopped his Al-Qaeda network from seeking to build weapons of mass destruction, senior US officials said last week. Recent intelligence indicates that the group is turning its attention to chemical and biological weapons.

Despite severe technical obstacles to the launch of terrorist biowarfare, Washington believes Bin Laden has become convinced that only a WMD attack would be sufficient punishment for the US-led invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

“The overwhelming bulk of the evidence we have is that their efforts are focused on biological and chemical weapons,” said John Bolton, undersecretary of state for arms control.

Intelligence services in Egypt and Israel confirmed that Al-Qaeda had stepped up its efforts to acquire toxic materials as a result of the war in Iraq.

“They will use it unless stopped,” concluded one intelligence report handed to Ariel Sharon, the Israeli prime minister, last November…
THE international pursuit of Osama Bin Laden has not stopped his Al-Qaeda network from seeking to build weapons of mass destruction, senior US officials said last week. Recent intelligence indicates that the group is turning its attention to chemical and biological weapons.
Thanks for the report. Its good to be aware of the devices of the enemy.
Nothing is more powerful and effective as the secret weapon that we have been deploying these last few years.

Just to give you an idea. It has been used to stopped evil from entering this country (America). I remember how it removed Dan Rather from CBS, removed the pro-abortionist Tom Daschel from office, caused such a backlash against outlandish liberal attacks that Bush easily won the last election.

It’s God’s ultimate weapon - **PRAYER. Works every time; blows the enemy to smitherines ! And there’s no defense against it. **

It captured the bloodiest dictator in modern history; destroyed the lies of Democratic devils in Congress, changed the entire attitude of a whole nation, and caused the intentions of our humanistics enemies to be left in ruins.

This weapon was built by God, used by soldiers of every age, and conquered kings and kingdoms once thought impervious to assault.
Let’s use it --IT WORKS!

Faithful One:D
Well said Faith One

btw while chemical weapons and nukes are useful in combat if not banned, bio weapons are now considered of little value for formal armies
how pathetic a weapon is invented only for terrorists
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