I have already mentioned the petrified trees. I get a sense you are not really reading what I write. Another example is non-distance related Red Shift phenomena.
Here is my theory based on the Bible. I will preface this by saying the Bible is not a science book but it does record things God actually did. Did Jesus grab a crash cart to raise Lazarus or the young man being carried in the funeral procession? Did he use cloud seeding when he calmed the wind and water? Science breaks down when confronted by God. It is only in the atheist inspired attempt to make Genesis say something other than what was actually said, and done, that I have a problem.
God created the Universe out of nothing. The Church has infallibly declared that the Universe has a finite age. No such declaration has been made about the earth. The earth was made by God, cooled from its molten state, and animals were placed on it. Adam, the first man, was able to communicate with God directly. He was essentially immortal. Eve, all Catholics believe, was created by God from his side.
All living things had to be designed to interact with their environment. Animals had to be successful in determining what was food and what was not. Birds, for example, are able to build nests using native raw materials. This is quite an engineering feat. The nest must be placed in a position where predators are less likely to reach it and where the wind is less likely to knock it down. It also has to be the right size and shape to insure incubation of the eggs.
It appears all creatures had a limited ability to react to their environment. If you look at the facial features of Australian aborigines and compare them to “primitive” men, there are many similarities. If you look at fair skinned Caucasians and compare then to Oriental peoples, it becomes apparent that man was affected by his native climate, food and exposure to the sun.
The dating issue is a sticking point with me because man-made artifacts have been discovered in coal, for example. So, in summary, all macro creatures have a limited, built-in ability to change slightly depending on their geographic location.
Here is my theory based on the Bible. I will preface this by saying the Bible is not a science book but it does record things God actually did. Did Jesus grab a crash cart to raise Lazarus or the young man being carried in the funeral procession? Did he use cloud seeding when he calmed the wind and water? Science breaks down when confronted by God. It is only in the atheist inspired attempt to make Genesis say something other than what was actually said, and done, that I have a problem.
God created the Universe out of nothing. The Church has infallibly declared that the Universe has a finite age. No such declaration has been made about the earth. The earth was made by God, cooled from its molten state, and animals were placed on it. Adam, the first man, was able to communicate with God directly. He was essentially immortal. Eve, all Catholics believe, was created by God from his side.
All living things had to be designed to interact with their environment. Animals had to be successful in determining what was food and what was not. Birds, for example, are able to build nests using native raw materials. This is quite an engineering feat. The nest must be placed in a position where predators are less likely to reach it and where the wind is less likely to knock it down. It also has to be the right size and shape to insure incubation of the eggs.
It appears all creatures had a limited ability to react to their environment. If you look at the facial features of Australian aborigines and compare them to “primitive” men, there are many similarities. If you look at fair skinned Caucasians and compare then to Oriental peoples, it becomes apparent that man was affected by his native climate, food and exposure to the sun.
The dating issue is a sticking point with me because man-made artifacts have been discovered in coal, for example. So, in summary, all macro creatures have a limited, built-in ability to change slightly depending on their geographic location.