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That’s true… Priest with or without of cassock is still consecrated servant. But why you wouldn’t wear cassock or collar if you have to wear
What I take issue with is the suggestion (forgive me if I have misunderstood) that wearing a cassock or collar some how makes a priest “better” than one who doesn’t. Personally, I would wear a collar after (God willing) I am ordained because I believe that it is important for a priest to be identified as a priest. However, I also believe that how a priest chooses to be identified is up to them (and their bishop of course…).

I also agree with Harvard, that being excited about a clerical vocation is obviously a good thing, but clothing choices are really not an important part of that vocation - someone doesn’t decide to become a priest because they think they’d look good in a cassock!
My dear Brother in Christ!

That’s true… Priest with or without of cassock is still consecrated servant. But why you wouldn’t wear cassock or collar if you have to wear Directory for priests above number 66 (see number 66)?

What are you afraid? Many saints died because of cassock, they didn’t afraid nobody except God …
That’s real obedience to Holy Mother Church and Our Lord.

After ordination “it is no longer I who live, but it is Christ who lives in me” (Gal 2:20)!

In Christ, our Lord,
brother Attempto
Forgive me if I’m misunderstanding your post, but you seem to be addressing a slightly different idea/notion.

One is that priests should dress in the prescribed manner, so as to visibly signify their vocation. The other notion expressed here is that the specific accessories and frills themselves are of relatively minor importance. These two ideas are not exclusive of each other. 🙂
Hi! I am currently in seminary. Different dioceses have different rules. For most, however, the minors will wear lay clothing Monday-Saturday, usually semi-dressy (khakis, collared shirts, etc.) Sundays, cassocks, with a surplice for mass. For most liturgical events, the minors will wear the cassock and surplice.

Once in Major, seminarians have to wear either a cassock or clericals all the time. For liturgical events, seminarians will wear cassock and surplice, or, if the seminarian is in his final year as a deacon, will vest accordingly with the priests. Birettas are rare, but sometime seen.

Feel free to PM me if you have further questions.
Also as a general rule and personal preference, priests should wear the collar or cassock all the time. Once ordained, they are forever a priest. They should dress accordingly. Now, of course, accessorial items like a biretta or fascia are optional.

As a seminarian, when I wear my cassock, I also wear my fascia (most of the time :)). I own a biretta, but rarely, if ever, wear it.
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