Birth control ads on YouTube: just venting

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When surfing YouTube, I constantly come across advertisements right before my video advertising different types of birth control.
“Take this pill within 72 hours of unprotected sex to avoid pregnancy”
“Inject this plastic thing into your arm and avoid pregnancy for 3 years”
I can’t stand how young kids will be watching this and will think that disrespecting their bodies and their reproduction so much is okay.
It makes me very nervous to let my children or my students (at a Catholic school) use YouTube at all.
Anyone else notice the prevalence of these ads?
Weird because I’ve literally never gotten such an ad.

Targeted ads could be part of it, based on your age or other demographics available to You Tube.
I keep seeing ads for condoms and can’t believe they’ll show them without even confirming the age of a video’s viewer. I see them even when I’m not logged in.
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I got planned parenthood ads on tv tropes, so I know the feeling Heck, on the kids videos my nephew watches on YouTube he gets ads for political candidates. He’ll be 4 on the 17th.
Which is weird because I am usually searching Catholic related stuff.
Maybe because was also search clips of “Paternity Court” 😂
My 15 year old sister was getting ads like that on a music streaming service…and they know her age.
Yeah, I’ve been seeing these ads more and more recently, and I find it really annoying.
I’ve been seeing these types of ads more recently online and on TV. The women always skipping around or suddenly freezing in terror on the side of the road or sitting watching a movie as they’re on a date because “Oh no!” and then breathing a sign of relief and going back to skipping and huge grins when they realize they took a pill.

Every time I see them I remember my coworker who had the “get this plastic thing injected in your arm and you’re good for three years” type of product and she ended up constantly bleeding because of the way it affected her body. Not to mention her doctor failed to tell her that since she already had a kid while on birth control her chances of birth control working was lower than the general statistic given. She wanted to sue her last birth control company when she got pregnant because she didn’t know it wasn’t 100% effective. Now she has a lovely time trying to make sure her current birth control doesn’t poke a hole in her organs (which while slim is possible) which she didn’t even know could happen. She also doesn’t have the “normal” reaction to that either. Her doctor still puts her on birth control even though it’s causing off timing bleeding, extended bleeding, pains, weight gain, etc. because my coworker just won’t go through life not having birth control.

(Typing this I realize I get into some strange conversations with my coworkers.)
One thing I hate is when pro-contraception individuals talk about “protected sex” or “safe sex” as if sex is inherently dangerous. Mind you, premarital sex is dangerous to the soul, but I don’t believe that’s what they mean.
I like to remind people that there’s one fool proof way not to get pregnant. Don’t do it.
A couple of years ago, when my nephews and nieces were watching pre-school shows, there were birth control commercials. I mean, don’t they have other ways to reach their parents? It’s crazy.
I get birth control ads and pro-abortion campaigns on spotify when I mostly listen to hymns:unamused:😒😒.
We get different ads depending on what we have been looking at online, and our demographics. I constantly get ads for Grammarly for some reason.
That’s sad. Pretty sure YouTube does targeted ads? I get lots of sports and car ads lol. So why do you have birth control ads? Perhaps someone was searching birth control on your computer/google? Weird
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Mostly video game stuff and Catholic related stuff.
Then again we laugh at some episodes of “paternity court”
I don’t get birth control ads either. I’m o-l-d
As someone in the age range where you’d expect to get such ads, I never do. It’s always stuff for project management, ISPs, website creation, Google and Facebook products, and Uber. For a time, I’d get a ton of annoying ads for get-rich-quick consulting stuff, all from the same alleged millionaire. I quickly removed that interest. I also used to get some Udemy ads. Those were perhaps the worst. The spokespeople either seemed to not know anything or act like they were talking down to the viewer.
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It makes me very nervous to let my children or my students (at a Catholic school) use YouTube at all.
Write a letter to your Congressman asking them to protect your online privacy from third party advertisers and corporate algorithms.

Google’s CEO, Sundar Pichai, was questioned yesterday by Congress about these things. Now is the time to put more pressure on Congress to stop corporations like Alphabet, Apple and Microsoft from concentrating enough power to manipulate our social structures.
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