Birth control pill halts women's periods

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The answer is yes, but they really don’t give a rat’s rear. It’s all about the almighty dollar.

The most alarming part is that is provides the “lowest dose” of traditional BC hormones, which means there will be more breakthrough ovulation, more abortifacient action, more method failures, and more abortions when the BCing women discover they have an “unwanted, unplanned” pregnancy.
But they can have sex whenever they want. Isn’t that more important? (tongue in cheek) --KCT
But they can have sex whenever they want. Isn’t that more important? (tongue in cheek) --KCT
What is more important than sexual freedom?

(please detect the large dose of sarcasm there)
It’s as if they assume women are clamoring for a way to harm their health while at the same time being used by men. Sign me up!!! —KCT
I saw this today too, and I just think this whole trend is very disturbing. Why are we, as women, so eager to shut down all parts of us that are unique to womanhood? It makes me so sad…

Plus, I have found great benefits to my natural cycle. My sex drive is much higher and I enjoy sex more when I am only my natural hormones. (I was on the pill briefly in college before I learned to know better.) My body just works better, sexually, when I am au naturale, too. (Meaning climax is easier, sorry for TMI.)

One thing that doesn’t get talked about is how the hormones in these pills are the EXACT SAME ONES that were in that HRT study they halted because there was such a high rate of cancer occurring. So how would their effects be different or better over a lifetime as opposed to being used for only a few years?

After my first child was the last time I took any kind of hormonal birth control. (Yes, I am hard-headed and it takes me a long time to learn things!) I got talked into the mini-pill, because of course you HAVE to take something don’t you?! (Military clinic…no respect for NFP at all and I was fairly ignorant of it at that point.) Unfortunately for them though, I had done a lot of reading and learned how those worked. I had an anxiety attack every time I took one of those pills, thinking, what if this aborts a baby I conceive? I lasted about 3 or 4 days, then threw them out, and never looked back. I am now pregnant with #5 and we celebrate our tenth anniversary next month!

Women have been so taught only to see the negative of their natural cycles (witness my thread on menarche here: that I think some of them never notice the positives. Or do they ever even know them? Some women go on the pill as soon as they become sexually active, go off it only to get pregnant, and then go right back on it again. Could it be there are millions of women out there who literally have NO IDEA what it actually feels like to be a woman, unhindered by artificial hormones? Now there is a scary thought.
The pill has become the easy answer to women’s reproductive health. It seems like a way to not have to deal with underlying issues. Maybe things have changed since I was on the pill a few years ago, but like duskyjewel, I had so many problems when I was taking it.

Maybe it’s different for women taking this pill, but I think there is a certain sense of loss when younger women lose the ability to have their cycles. Two weeks ago I entered the land of surgical menopause and fortunately found a wonderful supportive online forum for women in my position. A lot of us have talked about how, while it will be convenient not to have periods any more, we’ve all cried about our loss at the same time. I have a major problem with someone willingly doing this to themselves by taking this pill when they don’t have a good medical reason to do so. It seems so irresponsible and sad.
More ways to mess up women’s natural cycles, more fertility problems, more money both ways for the medical/pharma industry… :mad:

And the continued de-feminization of women. I’m praying for the women who are victim to a skewed vision of womanhood and will buy into this 😦 Seems like the more “choice” given to a woman in regards to her body, the farther this country gets from what it means to be a woman.
Did you all notice the bottom of the article? I’m pleasantly surprised both these points were brought up in the article. A socialogist also thought it wrong to treat menstruation as a disease. The article even mentioned that the “failure rate” of birth control pills is going up.
“… for most women menstruation is a normal life event — not a medical condition. Why medicate away a normal life event if we’re not sure of the long-term effects?” said Elson, who researches the sociology of gender and medical sociology.

In recent years, as the hormone content of birth-control pills has dipped, failure rates have climbed. …
Hey! Lookie there! Duskyjewel found an all natural way to halt her peroid for nine months–maybe even longer if she nurses! Gee, what an incredible concept! 😉
It can be for a lot longer than 9 months if you breastfeed too–up to a year or more after birth. 😉 😃
Did you all notice the bottom of the article? I’m pleasantly surprised both these points were brought up in the article. A socialogist also thought it wrong to treat menstruation as a disease. The article even mentioned that the “failure rate” of birth control pills is going up.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if all professionals saw it this way?

I recently started an NFP course w/DH and I was listening to the audio cd that comes with it. I cannot recall the name right now, but it talks about the social and moral changes the pill has brought to our world.

I wish more women were open to listening to this kind of thing so they too had a real choice on going on the pill.

How can a woman use the pill?

I cannot even answer this question myself. I used it for a long time 😊 even after the many pains and aches and horrible migraines… I’m just glad I came to better understanding of life (and that DH accepts it just as I do even though he’s not Catholic).
My husband reminded me of a conversation we had with the doctor who taught us NFP. He was commenting on how most doctors like to prescribe the pill to “regulate” periods down to every 28 days, but there was not necessarily anything wrong with a woman who had one as infrequently as once every 3 months. Yet these doctors uphold that’s not natural and unhealthy.

Then we see where they come up with a pill that does the same thing only longer and its just fine!
Hey! Lookie there! Duskyjewel found an all natural way to halt her peroid for nine months–maybe even longer if she nurses! Gee, what an incredible concept! 😉
Yeah, funny that! I did the math once, and I figured out that since I have been pregnant and or breastfeeding for the vast majority of the last 10 years, and breastfeeding works really well for me at suppressing fertility, I have had only about 25 periods in the last 10 years since I got married. Cool, huh? And no wierd pills needed.👍
One thing that doesn’t get talked about is how the hormones in these pills are the EXACT SAME ONES that were in that HRT study they halted because there was such a high rate of cancer occurring. So how would their effects be different or better over a lifetime as opposed to being used for only a few years?
BCPs and HRT do not contain the exact same hormones. The women in the WHI study were taking conjugated equine estrogens 0.625 mg each day and medroxyprogesterone acetate 2.5 mg each day. BCPs contain different estrogen and progestins as well as different dosages of these hormones. Also, the WHI studied the use of hormones in post-menopausal women. The WHI findings are limited to the HRT used and age group (though it can’t be assumed that alternative post-menopausal HRT is safer).
Women have been so taught only to see the negative of their natural cycles (witness my thread on menarche here: that I think some of them never notice the positives. Or do they ever even know them? Some women go on the pill as soon as they become sexually active, go off it only to get pregnant, and then go right back on it again. Could it be there are millions of women out there who literally have NO IDEA what it actually feels like to be a woman, unhindered by artificial hormones? Now there is a scary thought
I do find that most women see their natural cycles as a negative event.
Plus, I have found great benefits to my natural cycle. My sex drive is much higher and I enjoy sex more when I am only my natural hormones. (I was on the pill briefly in college before I learned to know better.) My body just works better, sexually, when I am au naturale, too. (Meaning climax is easier, sorry for TMI.)
This has been my experience too. Someone has to share this information with women. 😉 I have never felt so liberated about my sexuality. 🙂
but there was not necessarily anything wrong with a woman who had one as infrequently as once every 3 months. Yet these doctors uphold that’s not natural and unhealthy.

Then we see where they come up with a pill that does the same thing only longer and its just fine!
Doctors are concerned about the risk of endometrial cancer related to unopposed estrogen. These pills provide estrogen/progestin.
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