I saw this today too, and I just think this whole trend is very disturbing. Why are we, as women, so eager to shut down all parts of us that are unique to womanhood? It makes me so sad…
Plus, I have found great benefits to my natural cycle. My sex drive is much higher and I enjoy sex more when I am only my natural hormones. (I was on the pill briefly in college before I learned to know better.) My body just works better, sexually, when I am au naturale, too. (Meaning climax is easier, sorry for TMI.)
One thing that doesn’t get talked about is how the hormones in these pills are the EXACT SAME ONES that were in that HRT study they halted because there was such a high rate of cancer occurring. So how would their effects be different or better over a lifetime as opposed to being used for only a few years?
After my first child was the last time I took any kind of hormonal birth control. (Yes, I am hard-headed and it takes me a long time to learn things!) I got talked into the mini-pill, because of course you HAVE to take something don’t you?! (Military clinic…no respect for NFP at all and I was fairly ignorant of it at that point.) Unfortunately for them though, I had done a lot of reading and learned how those worked. I had an anxiety attack every time I took one of those pills, thinking, what if this aborts a baby I conceive? I lasted about 3 or 4 days, then threw them out, and never looked back. I am now pregnant with #5 and we celebrate our tenth anniversary next month!
Women have been so taught only to see the negative of their natural cycles (witness my thread on menarche here:
forums.catholic-questions.org/showthread.php?t=153865) that I think some of them never notice the positives. Or do they ever even know them? Some women go on the pill as soon as they become sexually active, go off it only to get pregnant, and then go right back on it again. Could it be there are millions of women out there who literally have NO IDEA what it actually feels like to be a woman, unhindered by artificial hormones? Now there is a scary thought.