Birth control question

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My sister and I live together, going to college. The other day, rumaging for a rubber band I figured she had to have one. Anyway, I found some stuff from Planned Parenthood :eek: and did a bit more investigation and found birth control pills.

I made known my disapproval and more importantly the Church’s teachings on premarital sex and contraception. I don’t think she took anything I said to heart.

Anyway, what else should I do about it? I don’t like the idea of her actions, and I don’t even want so much as a piece of paper from that satanic organization within any sort of close proximity to me. However, if she isn’t going to listen, there is not really much more I can do.
My sister and I live together, going to college. The other day, rumaging for a rubber band I figured she had to have one. Anyway, I found some stuff from Planned Parenthood :eek: and did a bit more investigation and found birth control pills.

I made known my disapproval and more importantly the Church’s teachings on premarital sex and contraception. I don’t think she took anything I said to heart.

Anyway, what else should I do about it? I don’t like the idea of her actions, and I don’t even want so much as a piece of paper from that satanic organization within any sort of close proximity to me. However, if she isn’t going to listen, there is not really much more I can do.
You warned her. Now all you can do is pray.

She is your sister. You love her. You are concerned for her. You made that known.


Now -

Continue to love her. Respect her privacy. Do not force your choices on her, she must make her own. You are not her! It is her life to lead, mess up, learn from and move on.

The only thing you can/should do is lead by good example, listen to her if she needs to talk about it, offer advice if asked, and be there to catch her if she falls. Eventually she may need the support you offer, but if you push it on her now she could become resentful of you . . . . leading to the damaging of your relationship.
Actually I changed my mind. Praying is not the only thing you can do. You can suffer and sacrifice, meaning fasting and offering suffering for her conversion. You can give encouragement and good example as well.

First off, does she know that the pill causes abortion?

How does the pill work?

The birth control pill can work in one of three ways:

  1. *]*It can prevent ovulation (releasing an egg from the ovary) *
    *]*It can cause the mucus in the cervix to change so that if sperm reach the cervix, they are not allowed to enter, and *
    *]It can irritate the lining of the uterus so that if the first two actions fail, and the woman does become pregnant, the tiny baby boy or girl will die before he or she can actually attach to the lining of the uterus.

    That may be the first step. Also, please consider buying “Theology of the Body for beginners” for her or yourself if she won’t read it:

    Also please read about the founder of planned parenthood Margaret Sanger:
First off, does she know that the pill causes abortion?
The Pill does not cause an abortion. The Pill may prevent implantation, but that is not abortion. Morally, it may be equivalent, but medically it is different.
I agree with Madia that it is important that your sister understand how the pill works, which even the package insert lists the information Madia listed so you are providing facts. Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy, which many people believe begins at conception not implantation. I have known women to change their minds about hormonal contraceptives, because they believe it induces early abortion. This article from discusses the topic of “dancing around medical terms”:

This is good information too:


The Pill does not cause an abortion. The Pill may prevent implantation, but that is not abortion. Morally, it may be equivalent, but medically it is different.
Embryologists across the board recognize that life begins at conception. The AMA and others only changed their minds, saying that pregnancy begins at implantation, due to political reasons. Organizations changing medical “facts” as a result of politics is not unheard of.

When the sperm fertilizes the egg, creating a living, genetically distinct organism, pregnancy has begun. There is a new life within the mother. Over a period of days, the child travels to the uterus to implant. It does not start living once it is implanted. That assertion is completely arbitrary. If the child cannot implant, then it is flushed out, thus terminating the pregnancy. “Terminate” is synonymous with “abort.”

It’s irresponsible to suggest otherwise.

God bless.

Aside from the abortifacient nature of the pill, you might also educate her on the risks to her body that the pill poses.

Here are some of the side effects, care of American Life League:
  • bacterial infections (because the pill weakens the immune system.)
  • more susceptible to the AIDS virus (HIV) because the pill weakens the immune system
  • pelvic inflammatory disease-an infection of the fallopian tubes that can cause sickness or sterility
  • infertility-unable to ever bear children
  • cervical cancer
  • ectopic pregnancy
  • shrinking of the womb (endometrial atrophy)
  • mood swings and depression
  • breast cancer
  • blood clots
  • birth defects in children conceived while women are on the pill
  • tender breasts
  • stroke
  • weight gain

God bless.

One additional suggestion: your sister can always see you reading this paphlet while you are having a bowl of cereal, folding clothes, passing time on the couch, etc.

Pure Womanhood
By Crystalina Evert is for sale today’s world, it’s all too easy for a young woman to fool herself with lies about love. Every woman longs for love, but many have given up. In Pure Womanhood, Crystalina Evert restores a woman’s hope. By her powerful testimony and blunt words of wisdom, she shows that real love is possible… regardless of the past.
Sgt Sweaters:
Embryologists across the board recognize that life begins at conception. The AMA and others only changed their minds, saying that pregnancy begins at implantation, due to political reasons. Organizations changing medical “facts” as a result of politics is not unheard of.
Pregnancy need not begin when a new life begins. Medically speaking, pregnancy begins with implantation. The Pill does not cause abortion, but the Pill may cause a embryo to fail to implant.
It’s irresponsible to suggest otherwise.
Au contraire. Making false medical statements makes pro-life people look stupid and hurts the pro-life cause. It is important to use precise terminology.
Pregnancy need not begin when a new life begins. Medically speaking, pregnancy begins with implantation. The Pill does not cause abortion, but the Pill may cause a embryo to fail to implant.

Au contraire. Making false medical statements makes pro-life people look stupid and hurts the pro-life cause. It is important to use precise terminology.
Ugh! The point is that the woman is consciously doing something to end the life created inside of her. The pill is listed on many legitimate pro-life websites and in literature as an abortifacient. Saying that we “look stupid” is not charitable and many of us do not believe it hurts the pro-life cause. Furthermore, your comment hijacked this thread, so if you need to beat this dead horse even more, you should start a new thread.
Ugh! The point is that the woman is consciously doing something to end the life created inside of her. The pill is listed on many legitimate pro-life websites and in literature as an abortifacient. Saying that we “look stupid” is not charitable and many of us do not believe it hurts the pro-life cause.
You misuderstand me. I’m not arguing that the Pill is okay. I’m not saying that using the Pill to prevent implantation of an embryo isn’t morally equivalent to abortion. What I am saying is that it does not cause an abortion. It causes something different than abortion, which is indeed morally equivalent to abortion. Infanticide is not abortion, but it is morally equivalent to abortion.

And yes, making false statements does make pro-lifers look stupid. Saying this isn’t uncharitable. On the contrary, it is not charitable to let others spread false information.
You misuderstand me. I’m not arguing that the Pill is okay. I’m not saying that using the Pill to prevent implantation of an embryo isn’t morally equivalent to abortion. What I am saying is that it does not cause an abortion. It causes something different than abortion, which is indeed morally equivalent to abortion. Infanticide is not abortion, but it is morally equivalent to abortion.

And yes, making false statements does make pro-lifers look stupid. Saying this isn’t uncharitable. On the contrary, it is not charitable to let others spread false information.
I didn’t misunderstand your post, your stance, your OPINION. I am still offended by your claim that it makes us look stupid, because of how we think. I know medical professionals who will indeed go out on a limb to make the same stupid statement.

To the OP, I apologize in participating in this hijacking of your thread. To answer your question, I would gather some good information and offer it to her to read up on in a non-threatening way. That way, she won’t feel bulldozed and she’ll hopefully come around to realize the harm she is bringing to herself, morally and physically. God bless you!
As long as we’re on the topic of things the Pill doesn’t do, let me throw this in: the progesterin-only pill (the most commonly prescribed oral contraceptive) has not been shown to increase the risk of breast cancer. Blood clots are extremely rare in non-smokers.
I didn’t misunderstand your post, your stance, your OPINION
Not an opinion, it’s a fact. The Pill does not cause abortion.
You did warn her. Now it’s up to her.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t flush her pills down the toilet! 😉 Although, that in itsel is a sin, because you have to steal them from her first… So, I guess just praying, fasting, and what everyone else has suggested is the only thing you can do! 🙂

Oh yeah, and taking birth control DOES kill the baby.
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