Bishop Barron nails it on the head (Vatican II)

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This is off topic, but thank you for this information. This document posed a difficulty for me, personally.
you need to come down from the mountain and bring fallen souls to Christ, not to Mass. That comes later.
Unfortunately, at this point we are achieving neither. On the contrary, we ourselves are drifting further from Christ. How much penance will it take to make reparation for the following abomination…

Buddhist dance performed during Holy Mass on the Feast of the Assumption at Naples Cathedral

Fortunately, thanks to the resurgence of the TLM, there is great hope and things are turning around.
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I think part of the problem that people don’t talk about enough is that Bishop Barron’s social media and series are, well, they’re kind of blase. A lot of it is just ‘inspiring’ images and soundbytes that most of the time seem like preaching to the choir. It’s not really conducive to evangelization, in my opinion.
Bishop Barron is trying to reach out to diverse people: Protestants, Jews, former Catholics, secularists, and Catholics seeking additional information and formation. He’s trying to bring Catholic laity to personal action.

He’s planting seeds in people’s minds and actions that may well develop later, and someone else will get credit for what Barron did now.

Compare Barron to the entertainment oriented internet: 1p5, CM, Rorate, Remnant, Taylor Marshall, Catholic Family News, as well as National Catholic Reporter, etc. They are the ones that really “preach to the choir”, offer nothing that would lead a non Catholic to consider the Catholic Faith, nothing to lead a Catholic towards personal action on prolife, sanctity, Evangelism, etc.

They encourage readers to confess the sins of persons other than themselves, like bishops. They try to out lurid each other, selling an emotional experience.

They give the readers the feeling that the readers have boldly addressed the big issues of Church and Society. Actually they nurture passivity, craving more emotional experience.

Readers jaded by those sites will naturally find Bishop Barron blase.
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Why? Just why? Not sure if I should be angry, cry, or just vomit. Disgusting sacrilege.
This was the problem at the close of the Council: many Catholics were not discipled, and their faith rested too heavily on Sunday Mass attendance. When the Mass was changed, their faith was pulled out from underneath them and they left. They had memorized penny catechisms but they had never had a life-changing experience with Jesus Christ. Many Catholics did not have the formation to weather the storm of the 60’s, and they fell away.
A faith formed by and rooted in the liturgy and discipleship go hand in hand. You can’t dispense with the former and expect the latter to stand on its own. As Vatican II itself says, the liturgy “is the primary and indispensable source from which the faithful are to derive the true Christian spirit.” You can’t expect radical changes in the liturgy to not disturb and shake the spirit of many whose faith was rightfully formed in and rightfully integrated into that liturgy (and had been for centuries and centuries).
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Readers jaded by those sites will naturally find Bishop Barron blase.
I confess to reading all the sites you mentioned in addition to other sources such as Catholic Culture, NC Register, Catholic News, etc. I also confess I only found them within the past couple years. I also confess that I found Robert Barron’s media blase years before finding them.

I absorb media like a sponge. I found his work cheesy by it’s nature.

I think your post is unfair towards those who do read those sites.
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Readers jaded by those sites will naturally find Bishop Barron blase.
I confess to reading all the sites you mentioned in addition to other sources such as Catholic Culture, NC Register, Catholic News, etc. I also confess I only found them within the past couple years. I also confess that I found Robert Barron’s media blase years before finding them.

I absorb media like a sponge. I found his work cheesy by it’s nature.

I think your post is unfair towards those who do read those sites.
If post not fair, then I apologise. On rereading, it is a bit harsh.
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