Bishop Bransfield sanctioned

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Beautiful post @angel12.

Personally, I do not believe in the church anymore.

This month I discovered a couple of things about my own dioceses that left me disgusted.

I’m trying hard to stomach it but I just can’t. It’s revolting.

It’s not about the fall of a single man, the problem is how the whole machine is geared to work. Everytime something goes wrong no one’s responsible, no one answers for, no one knew, no one did anything. Where was timely fraternal correction when it was needed?
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I’m having a brutal struggle not with my conscience but with my interior @Tis_Bearself. I honestly would rather not give a cent to my dioceses for as long as I live and prompt others to do the same. Literally say to my self:“the dioceses died as a whole. I don’t want any part of it anymore.”
Nobody makes you give a cent when you go to Mass and receive Jesus. I give online but people don’t know that. Most Masses I attend I don’t put any money in the basket. Nobody throws me out. Nobody denies me communion.

Not sure what money has to do with one’s own spiritual well-being.
Not sure what money has to do with one’s own spiritual well-being.
Well, let me see…Me and my family have been giving for what?? Forever…? Yeah something like that. When I actually needed something from the church (other than a burial or mass) I discovered they’re not likely to help you.

And I thought: “Listen priest, my family has been paying your, and you predecessors, salary for generations. Today their descendant needs answers to some tough questions. So don’t you dare dream exempting yourself of the obligation to receive and enlighten me.”
Most Masses I attend I don’t put any money in the basket.
I’m not going to mass this Sunday. Least the priest or the collection basket hurt me. Unlike you and @angel12 I’ve never been married. So I’m going to the beach, to meet with a lovely young girl, and as I turn my back on the church I’m free, I’m all the happier for it.
I’m sorry that happened to you. I’ll admit I can’t think of what I’d need from the church other than a burial, mass, or maybe a recommendation for a pope blessing. Or on the off chance I ever wanted to marry again (.01 percent chance) a wedding. My mother always said when you need a helping hand you’ll find one at the end of your arm.
Yes, but… I share many of the sentiments you express, including not providing financial support to a corrupt system. BUT, the church is … who we are. Not the gay bishops and corrupt cardinals. We are the church. You and I and millions of others. I am going to misquote the bible here, but Jesus said somewhere: 'when two or more meet in my name…". This is the church. It is time for us to stand up and be counted. I have nothing against the beach, but we as Catholics, members of His church have a responsibility.
Good luck finding a lovely young girl. I’ll pray for your in your efforts! 😜 Perhaps you can pray for my “similar” efforts. I hope to find a lovely young girl who is as strange and as religious as me.

My suggestion is to try for mass on Saturday evenings. Also, perhaps consider a different parish. Lately I’ve going on Saturday evenings. The Catholic church is as much yours as it is some priest’s or Bishop’s. Please don’t forget that!
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