Bishop Fabbro instructs London priests to suspend liturgical privileges of SSM MP

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Traditional Ang:
Most people need just a gentle nudge, but I believe that’s already been tried several times with Archbishop Gervais, so that only left the altermatives of either talking to him as I did or pleading with Pope Benedict XVI for his removal.
There is no need to apologize for your wrath, TradAng. No need at all. AB Gervais insults us by pretending that he does not know the Pope’s mind on excommunicating politicians who promote SSM. The Pope has made his mind known not once, but several times. It is the AB’s job to know the Pope’s mind. The point is that the AB is not doing his job.

Far more serious is that the AB has abrogated his leadership of a very very vulnerable flock in Ottawa. Believe me, liturgical abuses are the norm in that city. It is shocking. CINOs openly refer to the Vatican as “those desperate old men in Rome” and mock the Litany, the Rosary, the Immaculate Conception. They make up their own Lord’s Prayers, their own Creeds.

It is obvious to me that the AB is a perfumed prince who values his prestigious friendship with the Prime Minister over his stewardship of ordinary, humble Catholics who look to the Church for clarity and hope. He most certainly knows the Pope’s mind. He most certainly knows the needs of his flock. In my opinion, he doesn’t care.

I am so discombobulated by his failure in leadership, that I can no longer write a reasonable letter. I can no longer write a charitable letter. Direct, raw, heated emotion comes out instead. Maybe the Vatican needs to know how deeply the AB has injured his flock and the flocks of other bishops and how gravely he has betrayed our Mother Church.

I very very strongly agree with you that AB Gervais should be removed from his responsibilities. Moreover, I believe that Bishop Henry should be promoted to Archbishop just to firmly and clearly drive the point home. In fact, now that a Cardinal’s position is open, I believe that Bishop Henry should be promoted to Cardinal of Ottawa in charge of First Nations Peoples.
Okay, I’ve been meaning for a while now to send a message to both Archbishop Gervais and Bishop Fabbro, but I can’t seem to bring myself around to doing it. I’m just afraid I’ll, somehow, mess up the greetings and so on. I’ve done some research (yes, I’m that nerdy) and I’m sure I know how to send a greeting via mail. My problem is that I don’t know how to send one via email, which would be quicker, especially considering I have no envelopes to speak of. Could anyone help me out with this so I’m not continually putting it off? I’m going to need this kind of information in the future, I know that much.

Thanks in advance.
Aureole. Address a bishop Your Excellency. Begin with wishes for his health and wellbeing. Explain your understanding of the situation and assure him of your openness to understand the situation in a way which more deeply represents the way Jesus Christ would have you understand it. Explain how you feel, how the situation has impacted you. Assure him of your prayers. Ask for guidance. The letter by Fr de Valk above (I think it is in on this thread) is a good model.
Ani Ibi:
Uh-oh! Duplicate post. Anyway, maybe an open letter to Comartin et al that walking out of church was the reasonable thing to do, although it could have been done with more charity. Staying out of church is also the reasonable thing to do, given that defending heresy is not Catholic. Let them find another church. Let our Church get smaller. I also think that Archbishop Gervais should be removed from the Ottawa archdiocese. Bishop Henry should replace him.

If you have his E-mail, I’ll be very happy to inform Comartin and friends that they’d be most welcome in either the Anglican Church of Canada or ECUSA. Since both are losing members over precisely this form of apostacy, I’m sure both would appreciate such prominent parishioners who endorsed their positions.

At the same time, where is Bishop Henry Fabbro’s E-mail so we could remind him that many of Our Lord’s Disciples also left after some particularly “hard teaching”.

You are right - He is being a shepherd, and shepherds also need to be written to,

Blessed are they who act to save the Innocent. Michael
Traditional Ang:
At the same time, where is Bishop Henry Fabbro’s E-mail so we could remind him that many of Our Lord’s Disciples also left after some particularly “hard teaching”.
Here is the email address to send Bishop Fabbro a few encouraging words for taking such a brave stand:

or The Diocese of London, 1070 Waterloo St., London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3Y2.
Thanks Rosalinda!

Some of us are OLDER than you and suffer from PRESBYOPIA… Could you please use the default or SIZE=3, so we can read your posts (you’ll see how much easier SIZE=3 is to read below - That’s the only change I made to your post.). It’s not as if you don’t have anything to say or that you need to whisper around here… Thank you.
At least one brave priest who obediently read the bishop’s letter was accosted after the Sunday liturgy by an irate parishionner who felt the bishop had been judgemental. She described herself as shocked, disoriented and alienated. The priest defended the bishop as best he could and considering the hailstorm of emotion this woman was expressing he comported himself with dignity and restraint. Despite all her dire warnings to his credit he had the letter read during the following Mass too.

The bishop will surely receive a lot of negative response and we would do well to give support to any bishop who dares to draw a line in the sand during these difficult times. With so many ‘winds of change’ that line is constantly being obscured. With some praise and moral support from the faithful more bishops may decide to take public action against dissident Catholics who defy church teaching and authority in public.
Rosalinda, I haven’t had occasion to hear such letters being read, but we might want to PUBLICLY thank the priests for reading these. and, If someone goes up and complains as that woman did, interrupt and THANK HIM AGAIN FOR HIS COURAGE IN READING THE LETTER! And, If you have a few friends who feel as you do, being them all with you for that second pass!

The complainers may get the hint that their complaints (at least the volume) aren’t welcome, and that the priest was reading something that most of the people wanted to hear.

Let the Heterodox feel like the minority. They’ll either repent and convert or leave. Since they’re preying on the sheep and helping to lead them astray, either one is fine with me.

I know it might sound rough, but there is more than just someone’s “face” or “self-image” at stake here. Otherwise, the Bishops wouldn’t need to send the letters and the priests wouldn’t need to read them.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Traditional Ang:
Ani: If you have his E-mail, I’ll be very happy to inform Comartin and friends that they’d be most welcome in either the Anglican Church of Canada or ECUSA. Since both are losing members over precisely this form of apostacy, I’m sure both would appreciate such prominent parishioners who endorsed their positions.
Joe Comartin
Member of Parliament
Windsor - Tecumseh
Ani Ibi:
Aureole. Address a bishop Your Excellency. Begin with wishes for his health and wellbeing. Explain your understanding of the situation and assure him of your openness to understand the situation in a way which more deeply represents the way Jesus Christ would have you understand it. Explain how you feel, how the situation has impacted you. Assure him of your prayers. Ask for guidance. The letter by Fr de Valk above (I think it is in on this thread) is a good model.
Thanks Ani, but one more question; does this form apply to all letters to bishops, even those addressed to Bishop Fabbro?
Thanks Ani, but one more question; does this form apply to all letters to bishops, even those addressed to Bishop Fabbro?
Fr de Valk is a very sharp cookie. Look at how he has written his letter in the post above. I do not understand what you mean by ‘even those addressed to Bishop Fabbro?’ Is Bishop Fabbro special in some way?
Thanks Ani, but one more question; does this form apply to all letters to bishops, even those addressed to Bishop Fabbro?

If I remember correctly, “Your Excellency” is to used with Bishops and Archbishops, “Your Eminence” with Cardinals. I may be wrong and it may be the other way around. Either way, I would not use “Your Grace” as it sounds too much like something from an old Holywood movie about Pre-Revolutionary France.

Please understand, I call my Bishop, “Bishop CAG” due to his rank at the time he earned the Medal of Honor and one of his Purple Hearts. Every time I call him that, it reminds him of just how proud he was to wear the uniform and how esteemed he was by the men he commanded and how he earned it. I think I’m the only he allows to call him “Bishop CAG”, but then, I’m one of very few who understand and appreciate what he did and experienced.

I would say, pick one and stick to it, and don’t worry so much about it. Bishop Henry will most appreciate the fact that you care enough to let him know that you appreciate the courage it took to take the stand on behalf of our Lord, his church and the sheep that have been entrusted to him.

If you’re really worried, I’ll post my thank you letter as soon as it’s been sent so that you can use it.

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones. Michael
Thanks Ani, but one more question; does this form apply to all letters to bishops, even those addressed to Bishop Fabbro?

Here’s My letter to Bishop Henry Fabbro:

Subject - Re: Your courageous stand about Canada’s Bill C-38 and MP Joe Comartin

His excellency Bishop Henry Fabbro
Diocese of Windsor, Ontario, Canada

Dear Bishop Henry:

I wish to thank you for your courageous stand taken on behalf of the Traditional Family, of Christ’s Church on Earth and the sheep entrusted to your care. I realize that this took a lot of the virtue of Fortitude (or Courage) which seems to be in short supply in many sectors of our society. I know that the Early Church Fathers emphasized Prudence, but right now, for the sake of the sheep, of moral clarity, and of the Gospel, I believe that Fortitude is now more necessary, for without it, we won’t be able to act on all the other virtues and to do what’s right, and to avoid what’s wrong, when doing so has a cost.

I understand that your decision to deny MP Comartin and other public supporters of Same Sex Marriage access to Our Lord’s Body and Blood has been met with some controversy, and that some of his supporters even left a parish Church right after your letter was read. Please understand that many of Our Lord’s first disciples left after he gave them and then refused to back down on some similar “hard teaching”.

The Bible contains passages in the book of Ezekiel and in 1 Corinthians, as well as other locations, that pretty much say that, if you cared abut their souls and those of the sheep entrusted to your care, you had to do what you did. For you actions in conformity with the Truth of the Gospel and with Sacred Tradition, Thank you, and may the Lord bless you, for doing the right thing, even when it most certainly had a cost.

As you’ve noticed, I’ve cc’d Pope Benedict XVI with copies of this E-mail. I believe that, not only should his office see when I criticize a member of the hierarchy. His office should also see the times I feel his Bishops should be praised and held in esteem for their conduct. This is most definitely one of those times.

The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! ** Numbers 6:24-26 NAB

You’ve earned it. Thank you.

In Christ,
Name and address in original

That might be pouring it on a bit thick, but when one has seen as much that deserves approbrium as I have, and has seen the good so thoroughly villified as I have, one wants to make sure the praise of the good is out there for even the blind and the deaf to see and hear. I hope I’ve accomplished that.

Please make sure you all write Bp. Henry a letter praising and thanking him for his courageous stand. I’m sure he’s seen enough of the other for a year’s worth of reading.

Oh, and I did cc both of the E-mail addresses that I have for Pope Benedict XVI. I think everyone should do that as well.

Remember, if you want Bp. Henry to take over the Archdiocese, you have to talk about standing up for the Church and protecting the sheep. The more letters the better.

Blessed are they who act to stop the slaughter of the Innocent, Michael
Traditional Ang:
That might be pouring it on a bit thick
I suspect that Bishop Fabbro likes it to be poured on thick. 🙂
Traditional Ang:
Please make sure you all write Bp. Henry a letter praising and thanking him for his courageous stand.
My letter about Bp Henry is taking some time because I am asking that he be given a promotion. Archbp Gervais (of Ottawa archdiocese) will likely retire in the very near future. Cardinal Ambrozic (of Toronto archdiocese) will likely also retire in the very near future. The Nuncio has probably already submitted the names of three bishops for each position to the Vatican. But it doesn’t hurt to write. A copy of the emails to the Nuncio is more likely to be read than the ones sent to the Vatican. I don’t know who our Nuncio is.
Ani Ibi:
Joe Comartin
Member of Parliament
Windsor - Tecumseh

I believe this to worthy of Septimus Juvenales:

Re: Canada Bill C-38 and your outrage over Bishop Fabbro’s Refusal to allow you to receive the Eucharist

The Honorable Joe Comartin
Member of Parliament
Windsor - Tecumseh

Dear MP Comartin:

I understand that, since you supported Same Sex Marriage and Canada Bill C-38 and did not oppose it as directed by the Catechism of the Catholic Church or by the Canadian Council of bishops on at least 30 occasions, Bishop Henry Fabbro, decided to disallow you from receiving Our Lord’s body and Blood in the Parishes in the Diocese of Windsor.

Your mature response to this outrage, and that of your supporters, was to walk out of parishes where Bishop Fabbro’s letter was read, to scream at the priests who read the letter and to insists that Church teaching did not apply to members of Parliament or to modern day Canada.

Mr. Comartin, so long as you supported things such as this that are so clearly against the Revealed Truth of the Catholic Church, you were eating and drinking JUDGMENT on yourself each and every time you received the Eucharist (I Corinthians 11). Now, I don’t for the life of me claim to know why you’d risk the fires of hell each time you went up to the alter just so you could (falsely) claim that you were a “Catholic”, and I’m not going to ask. Why you’d lie to yourself, your neighbors and to God is between you and God and is none of my business, but it is my concern that you and your friends are trying to get a Bishop of the Church, who is obviously right according to the book, to back down and accommodate you because of some sort of claim of political necessity or changeableness of doctrine that you seem to think exists that simply doesn’t!

Mr. Comartin, if you are all that worried about appearances, there is a perfectly nice Church for you and your friends to attend that won’t have to change it’s mind about Doctrines received from the Apostles to accommodate you or even to agree with you. That Church is the present day Anglican Church of Canada, which is still in communion with the Episcopal Church of the United States of America. They are affluent, educated and LIBERAL… And They ALREADY agree with you on the issues of Same Sex Marriage, Abortion, “Equal Rights for ‘Womyn’ in the Church” and a whole host of other issues. I also can guarantee that you’ll never be insulted by being called a “Wretched Sinner” or any other such nasty MEDIEVAL terms, and their Services are wonderful, positively beautiful!

Mr. Comartin, I’m sure they’d welcome you with open arms, and they’d enjoy hearing everything you had to say. By all means. please, please join the Anglican Church of Canada and stop trying to remake the Catholic Church into your own image.

Oh, one more thing, since you don’t seem to agree with the Popes and the Bishops, I wouldn’t let a little piece of paper called Apostolicae Curae get in my way if I were you. Anyway, If it’s true, at least you won’t be eating and drinking Judgment on yourselves each and every time you take Holy Communion.

Name and Address on Original

I understand that jackhammers have more subtlety, but I feel it is more generous to use humor to show someone the door than to be thoroughly nasty.

Hopefully, He’s get the hint and either repent of his error (not bloody likely) or he’ll realize that he’d be much happier over at the C or C (I don’t think he’s going to be worried about the validity of their Orders, just a place to see and be seen).

There’s also the fact the the C of C and ECUSA are both preaching a social Gospel that has little to do with the Bible and with the Real Gospel. Maybe, after a year or so of never hearing why he needs God, He’ll decide that SUBMISSION is simply better than DEATH BY INANE DRIVEL, and he’ll come back on his hands and knees renouncing the heresy he so readily left the Church to hold!

Yes - There is method to my madness after all! Let’s pray he leaves and that the Inane Drivel drives him to repentance before he dies in his sin!

Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, Michael
Ani Ibi:
I suspect that Bishop Fabbro likes it to be poured on thick. 🙂

My letter about Bp Henry is taking some time because I am asking that he be given a promotion. Archbp Gervais (of Ottawa archdiocese) will likely retire in the very near future. Cardinal Ambrozic (of Toronto archdiocese) will likely also retire in the very near future. The Nuncio has probably already submitted the names of three bishops for each position to the Vatican. But it doesn’t hurt to write. A copy of the emails to the Nuncio is more likely to be read than the ones sent to the Vatican. I don’t know who our Nuncio is.

I believe that mine was read to the Vatican. I see that my phrase about the “Gates of Heaven Opening” was used as Pope John Paul was dying… So send it there, and then Forward it to the Nuncio when you get the information (post it here so we can ALL forward ours).

Bishop Henry is taking a lot of hits from the liberals and Cafeteria Catholics, so lit’s very important that we say smething now, and just as important that mine not be the only one. OK?

This is the information to the best of my ability to find it:

Embassy of Holy See in Canada
Most Reverend Luigi Ventura (Cardinal & Archbishop)
Apostolic Nuncio (As of April 5)
E-mail -
Phone: (613) 746-4914
Fax: (613) 746-4786

Embassy of Holy See
724 Manor Avenue
Rockliffe Park
Ottawa, Ontario, K1M 0E3.
From here - and here -;action=display;num=1112831337

The Most Reverend Gabriel Montalvo (Cardinal & Archbishop)
Papal Nuncio
Vatican Embassy
Washington, D.C.
(202) 337-4036 (Facsimile)

President of the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace
Phone: 011-39-06-698-87191
Fax: 011-39-06-698-87371

CC them along with the Pope. If that’s not correct, we can get the corrected information on Canada’s Papal Nuncio later.

You could always try one of the English Newspapers - They will generally allow you to write on almost anything: (The Times of London is VERY GOOD about publishing well written letters - Keep it under 250 words - And they don’t need to be about an article or a letter they’ve published) (Limit 250 words)

I hope this helps.
Blessed are they who act to save God’s Little Ones, MIchael
Here is the email address to send Bishop Fabbro a few encouraging words for taking such a brave stand:

or The Diocese of London, 1070 Waterloo St., London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 3Y2.

While I know a couple of parishes in my hometown which is in the London diocese did comply with the bishop’s wishes to instruct the faithful about his decision the largest parish choose to keep total silence last Sunday on this matter.

The correct E-mail for Bishop Henry Fabbro is - That RCEC is important. Otherwise, you will just get repeated delivery failures!

Thank you - I hope the new one works for everyone.

In Christ, Michael
Thank you for the correction on Bishop Fabbro’s email address. This site has failed on me several times after I press the submit reply button a message comes up “server cannot be found”. It is a real penance to retype everything again. I sent my letter to the bishop via snailmail and included signatures from members of my family. (You know well the reason for that given our experience with the infamous Rev. Malloy of Notre Dame.)

As for Paul Comartin being denied reception of communion the bishop did not go that far in his letter. Comartin is not allowed to serve as a marriage counselor or a eucharistic minister until he conforms himself to Catholic teaching. In this regard, Bishop Fabbro did not go far enough.

Thank you for the info about our Canadian nuncio.
Traditional Ang:
I understand that jackhammers have more subtlety
What’s in a jackhammer? A battering ram would smell as sweet. Ha! Great letter! :rotfl:
Traditional Ang:
I feel it is more generous to use humor to show someone the door than to be thoroughly nasty.
Yes, the invitation to episcopalian is subtle but satisfying. It is always a huge pleasure to apply humour to those who don’t get it. :cool:
Traditional Ang:
Hopefully, He’s get the hint and either repent of his error (not bloody likely) or he’ll realize that he’d be much happier over at the C or C
And we’ll be rid of him.

Traditional Ang said:
(I don’t think he’s going to be worried about the validity of their Orders, just a place to see and be seen).

Oh totally. His Gucci shoes will be truly appreciated there.
Traditional Ang:
Maybe, after a year or so of never hearing why he needs God, He’ll decide that SUBMISSION is simply better than DEATH BY INANE DRIVEL, and he’ll come back on his hands and knees renouncing the heresy he so readily left the Church to hold!
Oh, I think he will adapt happily. No need to worry folks about him coming back.

By the way, Rosalinda: I’ve been having a lot of problems on Catholic Answers lately. The server is down or it takes an eon to post anything or things get lost. Sheesh.
Okay, I’ll get down to writing my letters tomorrow. I’d do it now, but I’ve got a bunch of things that need doing. Thanks for all the letters you two posted, they’ll be a huge help.
Traditional Ang:

The correct E-mail for Bishop Henry Fabbro is - That RCEC is important. Otherwise, you will just get repeated delivery failures!

Thank you - I hope the new one works for everyone.

In Christ, Michael
It’s Bishop Ronald Fabbro!
Thank you for the correction on Bishop Fabbro’s email address. This site has failed on me several times after I press the submit reply button a message comes up “server cannot be found”. It is a real penance to retype everything again. I sent my letter to the bishop via snailmail and included signatures from members of my family. (You know well the reason for that given our experience with the infamous Rev. Malloy of Notre Dame.)

As for Paul Comartin being denied reception of communion the bishop did not go that far in his letter. Comartin is not allowed to serve as a marriage counselor or a eucharistic minister until he conforms himself to Catholic teaching. In this regard, Bishop Fabbro did not go far enough.

Thank you for the info about our Canadian nuncio.
It’s Joe Comartin
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