Traditional Ang:
Far more serious is that the AB has abrogated his leadership of a very very vulnerable flock in Ottawa. Believe me, liturgical abuses are the norm in that city. It is shocking. CINOs openly refer to the Vatican as “those desperate old men in Rome” and mock the Litany, the Rosary, the Immaculate Conception. They make up their own Lord’s Prayers, their own Creeds.
It is obvious to me that the AB is a perfumed prince who values his prestigious friendship with the Prime Minister over his stewardship of ordinary, humble Catholics who look to the Church for clarity and hope. He most certainly knows the Pope’s mind. He most certainly knows the needs of his flock. In my opinion, he doesn’t care.
I am so discombobulated by his failure in leadership, that I can no longer write a reasonable letter. I can no longer write a charitable letter. Direct, raw, heated emotion comes out instead. Maybe the Vatican needs to know how deeply the AB has injured his flock and the flocks of other bishops and how gravely he has betrayed our Mother Church.
I very very strongly agree with you that AB Gervais should be removed from his responsibilities. Moreover, I believe that Bishop Henry should be promoted to Archbishop just to firmly and clearly drive the point home. In fact, now that a Cardinal’s position is open, I believe that Bishop Henry should be promoted to Cardinal of Ottawa in charge of First Nations Peoples.
There is no need to apologize for your wrath, TradAng. No need at all. AB Gervais insults us by pretending that he does not know the Pope’s mind on excommunicating politicians who promote SSM. The Pope has made his mind known not once, but several times. It is the AB’s job to know the Pope’s mind. The point is that the AB is not doing his job.Most people need just a gentle nudge, but I believe that’s already been tried several times with Archbishop Gervais, so that only left the altermatives of either talking to him as I did or pleading with Pope Benedict XVI for his removal.
Far more serious is that the AB has abrogated his leadership of a very very vulnerable flock in Ottawa. Believe me, liturgical abuses are the norm in that city. It is shocking. CINOs openly refer to the Vatican as “those desperate old men in Rome” and mock the Litany, the Rosary, the Immaculate Conception. They make up their own Lord’s Prayers, their own Creeds.
It is obvious to me that the AB is a perfumed prince who values his prestigious friendship with the Prime Minister over his stewardship of ordinary, humble Catholics who look to the Church for clarity and hope. He most certainly knows the Pope’s mind. He most certainly knows the needs of his flock. In my opinion, he doesn’t care.
I am so discombobulated by his failure in leadership, that I can no longer write a reasonable letter. I can no longer write a charitable letter. Direct, raw, heated emotion comes out instead. Maybe the Vatican needs to know how deeply the AB has injured his flock and the flocks of other bishops and how gravely he has betrayed our Mother Church.
I very very strongly agree with you that AB Gervais should be removed from his responsibilities. Moreover, I believe that Bishop Henry should be promoted to Archbishop just to firmly and clearly drive the point home. In fact, now that a Cardinal’s position is open, I believe that Bishop Henry should be promoted to Cardinal of Ottawa in charge of First Nations Peoples.