Bishop of Liverpool is Fallible

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I might do you well to READ what the Bishop wrote and not rely on a newspaper that only reports very little of what he said and report it inaccurately.😉

The entire content of the Bishops’ remarks are found

I understand, I think, what the Bishop is trying to say. He just says it poorly and that allows for artful interpretation as done in the Guardian.

He only regrets HOW he opposed the homosexual appointment, not that he opposed it. He appears to be trying to be more pastoral and lower the level of emotion concerning the issue.

Many Anglican Bishops and ArchBishops are trying to keep the Anglican Church from splittering, but it appears to be too little, too late.

BTW I can understand the shock and disgust with what is going on in this portion of the Anglican Church. My friends who are Anglicans, and some are priests to boot, are leaving the TEC for more orthodox and God fearing parishes. As the faithful leave, expect even more silly and ungodly “stuff” from what remains.
Don’t you mean “is” an abomination?

Alaha minokhoun
Don’t you mean “is” an abomination?

Alaha minokhoun
why don’t you just stop. Your church has shown the world what an abomination really is. The supposed church that Jesus founded which the gates of hell will not prevail against turned a blind eye to the many children who were sexually attacked by its clergy for decades. And you have the nerve to speak of the splinter in another churches eye. Please.
why don’t you just stop. Your church has shown the world what an abomination really is. The supposed church that Jesus founded which the gates of hell will not prevail against turned a blind eye to the many children who were sexually attacked by its clergy for decades. And you have the nerve to speak of the splinter in another churches eye. Please.
Are we in denial here? 🤷 When has the Church ever approved publically of this? Never and the Church never will. On the other hand, Anglicans continually support the ordinations of gay clergy and allowing more inclusivity of varying doctrines than ever before.

To blame a whole Church on the faults of a few is ignorant. The Anglican Church has approved of allowing openly gay clergy. It’s pretty much a dogmatic thing.

I denounce the actions of those priests who committed those atrocities and I will never justify them. As soon as they consciously made the decision to be abusers, they cut themselves off from Christ’s Church. What they did was horrible, but it does not reflect on the beliefs of the Catholic Church, because the Church has never ever taught that this sort of thing was orthodox, because it isn’t.

However, I’m waiting for those Anglican clergy that will mandate NAMBLA type inclusivity. It’s only a matter of time.

And for your information, it isn’t Catholic clergy that have been plagued by this sort of thing. See the following link.

Alaha minokhoun
Are we in denial here? 🤷 When has the Church ever approved publically of this? Never and the Church never will. On the other hand, Anglicans continually support the ordinations of gay clergy and allowing more inclusivity of varying doctrines than ever before.

To blame a whole Church on the faults of a few is ignorant. The Anglican Church has approved of allowing openly gay clergy. It’s pretty much a dogmatic thing.

I denounce the actions of those priests who committed those atrocities and I will never justify them. As soon as they consciously made the decision to be abusers, they cut themselves off from Christ’s Church. What they did was horrible, but it does not reflect on the beliefs of the Catholic Church, because the Church has never ever taught that this sort of thing was orthodox, because it isn’t.

However, I’m waiting for those Anglican clergy that will mandate NAMBLA type inclusivity. It’s only a matter of time.

And for your information, it isn’t Catholic clergy that have been plagued by this sort of thing. See the following link.

Alaha minokhoun
You are absolutely wrong and your anger is blinding you. The Anglican Communion Worldwide does not approve of gay clergy or same sex unions. The Episcopal church in America and Canada do. TEC is losing many parishioners to Anglican churches in overseas diocese like Uganda and Kenya because of this horrific acceptance of these things. I am an Anglican, NOT an Episcopalian. Big difference.
You know I sometimes wonder if the Episcopal Church is the beast.
Many sorts of silly people say many silly things.


*Anglicanus Catholicus *
I agree with Anglican Catholicus! Any talk of The Anglican Church as an abomination shows no understanding of the Church at all.

There is only one Church,The Catholic Church which is the Body of Christ here on earth. We enter in to membership of this Church by baptism. We are confirmed in to it by Chrismation through the Bishop, the descendant of the Apostles.

Any other body claiming membership must hold to the Catholic Faith as revealed by Christ to the Saints, (Jude 3.)
entered in to the Scriptures and Explained and taught by The Holy Fathers in Councils. (For Anglicans this means Seven Ecumenical Councils.)

If the Catholic Faith and Catholic Order are not adhered to then that organisation is no more than a sect,

Which is as I understand it an organisation breaking away from a major body on a single issue or principle.

The Anglican Church, does not claim to be the One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church in its entirety, only a manifestation of the Body of Christ here on Earth.

As both Rome and Orthodoxy believe so do we, It is what the Church holds to that is important, Faith and Order. As long as individuals hold to this the thread holds.
I might do you well to READ what the Bishop wrote and not rely on a newspaper that only reports very little of what he said and report it inaccurately.😉

The entire content of the Bishops’ remarks are found

I understand, I think, what the Bishop is trying to say. He just says it poorly and that allows for artful interpretation as done in the Guardian.

He only regrets HOW he opposed the homosexual appointment, not that he opposed it. He appears to be trying to be more pastoral and lower the level of emotion concerning the issue.

Many Anglican Bishops and ArchBishops are trying to keep the Anglican Church from splittering, but it appears to be too little, too late.

BTW I can understand the shock and disgust with what is going on in this portion of the Anglican Church. My friends who are Anglicans, and some are priests to boot, are leaving the TEC for more orthodox and God fearing parishes. As the faithful leave, expect even more silly and ungodly “stuff” from what remains.
With great expectation I read your link hoping to find something to refute what I though the Bishop said, but I did not find it in your link, for this I’m sadden:( . And to add insult to his letter your link he end up saying from “A Fallible Church” What Church been guide by the Holy Spirit will say this. Please bothers and sisters pray for our Church leaders. This is a lost not just to our Anglican bothers but to all of us that this world is full of such depravity.
I think this thread is extremely over-rated. It is hopelessly vulnerable to false and misleading statements that are neither fair nor warranted about the Anglican church as a whole.
I think this thread is extremely over-rated. It is hopelessly vulnerable to false and misleading statements that are neither fair nor warranted about the Anglican church as a whole.

Are not the Episcopalians the American branch of the Anglican Communion? How are they not held responsible for them? Honest question.

Alaha minokhoun

Are not the Episcopalians the American branch of the Anglican Communion? How are they not held responsible for them? Honest question.

Alaha minokhoun
If I understand the thrust of the question, in the official Anglican Communion there are 38 independent, self-governing jurisdictions. The Episcopal Church is one such, and is the jurisdiction (as of right now) of the Anglican Communion, in the United States.

But given that the Communion’s member Churches are all completely independent, it is difficult to see how the Communion is in some sense respnsible for the actions of the Episcopal Church. Save in the sense that they have not voted TEC out of the Communion.

One reason for that is that the Communion itself, in the developed world, at least, leans in the same direction as the TEC.

You know I sometimes wonder if the Episcopal Church is the beast.
Oh come on. As if there weren’t a lot worse things in the world than homosexuality.

The Episcopal Church is far too silly and ineffectual to be the “beast.” The Catholic Church is a much more likely candidate precisely because it is in some sense almost certainly the One True Church.

Great good and great evil go together. My own Communion has relatively little of either.


Are not the Episcopalians the American branch of the Anglican Communion? How are they not held responsible for them? Honest question.

Alaha minokhoun
All Primates (38) in the Anglican Communion Worldwide are self governing. In no possible way could the Church of Uganda be held responsible for TEC, or the Church of Kenya be responsible for the Church of Canada. If you understood the Anglican Communion you would understand this.
I might do you well to READ what the Bishop wrote and not rely on a newspaper that only reports very little of what he said and report it inaccurately.😉

The entire content of the Bishops’ remarks are found

I understand, I think, what the Bishop is trying to say. He just says it poorly and that allows for artful interpretation as done in the Guardian.
Right. The context of the Jeffrey John business needs to be remembered. This was a priest who lived with another man and claimed that the relationship was non-sexual, although he admitted that it had not been in the past. I thought that the opposition to his consecration as bishop was misguided, because it conveyed the impression that conservatives were hypocritical in our claim that we were opposed to behavior only and did not deny the worth and dignity of homosexual persons. I can certainly see how one could argue that Fr. John+ was causing scandal, but I think he should have been given the benefit of the doubt, and that in the end the orthodox message was seriously obscured by overreaction on the part of the C of E’s very vocal and somewhat fundamentalist evangelical wing.

I don’t know enough about the current bishop of Liverpool to be sure whether he is really a conservative evangelical–he sounds to me more like a moderate/liberal evangelical (I don’t mean that pejoratively–insofar as I’m an evangelical, I’m definitely a moderate/liberal one). I would not trust the Guardian or any other British newspaper when they report on religious matters. They are consistently and absurdly inaccurate–far worse than American papers, if you can believe it!

I can’t believe what is going on in the Anglican Church, I can’t even propose what a conservative evangelical Bishop said, you have to read it for your self.
Christ forgive us all.,2252616,00.html
Possibly the most disgusting thing I have heard in a long time. This is terrible blasphemy. Once again, terrible blasphemy. You would have to be completely a moron to even conceive this idea. Clearly the Church of England has gone to the dogs. Since Protestants always say this I’m going to through it back at them. The Anglican Church is the Whore of Babylon. What Now?
Right. The context of the Jeffrey John business needs to be remembered. This was a priest who lived with another man and claimed that the relationship was non-sexual, although he admitted that it had not been in the past. I thought that the opposition to his consecration as bishop was misguided, because it conveyed the impression that conservatives were hypocritical in our claim that we were opposed to behavior only and did not deny the worth and dignity of homosexual persons.
No one implied that homosexuality made a person worthless. However it is a grave Mortal Sin. I don’t think that any church should have priests who openly sin, have openly committed horrible sins in the past, and who mock marriage. I think the Anglican Church has obviously lost the ability to read, Anyone who can read can tell you that homosexuality is a sin.
I would not trust the Guardian or any other British newspaper when they report on religious matters. They are consistently and absurdly inaccurate–far worse than American papers, if you can believe it!
Then they should apologize for taking something out of context.
If I understand the thrust of the question, in the official Anglican Communion there are 38 independent, self-governing jurisdictions. The Episcopal Church is one such, and is the jurisdiction (as of right now) of the Anglican Communion, in the United States.

But given that the Communion’s member Churches are all completely independent, it is difficult to see how the Communion is in some sense respnsible for the actions of the Episcopal Church. Save in the sense that they have not voted TEC out of the Communion.

One reason for that is that the Communion itself, in the developed world, at least, leans in the same direction as the TEC.

I think this thread is extremely over-rated. It is hopelessly vulnerable to false and misleading statements that are neither fair nor warranted about the Anglican church as a whole.
I agree with your comments, I’m condemning the whole of the Anglican Communion due to just one, two or three mislead Bishops, and it’s not fair, the Lord knows we also have had some in our own church that have err. We have to stand fast and rebuke the massager and not the Church, for that I’m sorry for the title of the thread. I’ll see if I can change the title of the thread.
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