I read that Bishop Perez requires the Cleveland Diocese laity to remain standing from the Agnus Dei until after all have received Communion. Comments?
Yeah, he did emphasize the wish for everybody to remain standing. As did his predecessor. I remember some “reminder” letter from Bishop Perez about standing at Communion time being read out loud at a Mass I was at in Cleveland diocese a couple years ago. I remember when this practice was instituted under a previous bishop (I think it was Lennon but it could have been Pilla, my memory is foggy) and we all got instructions from the pulpit about standing after Communion and continuing to stand till the priest sat down. Given the size of many of the churches and the fact that lots of people are not physically able to stand that long, or had been kneeling in prayer after Communion for 40 years and weren’t interested in changing, some people stood and some people sat and some people knelt and it’s probably going to continue that way.
As it’s my understanding that the bishops can express that we’re supposed to do this, but that it is also permitted to continue to kneel, I continue to kneel, as I do in every one of the 7 or so dioceses that I often find myself worshipping in. I find it much easier to just do the same postures every place I go. In general I do things the same way I was taught as a child and the only thing I have added is that I bow before receiving Communion and bow when the cross passes in the procession, as those two things were not the norm when I was taught.
I will be curious to see if Archbishop Perez sends out such a “reminder” letter when he gets to Philadelphia. I guarantee you that a large number of the faithful are going to ignore it if he does and just keep on with the kneeling. People like to kneel in Philly archdiocese, and at OF churches with no kneelers you will see a lot of people (including me) kneeling on the floor, including at Communion time.
My family and I kneeled because that’s what we do in my diocese. No one made seemed to care that we did.
You’re correct. Nobody cares.
I could also take you to OF churches in Cleveland frequented by “old school” ethnic Catholics and everybody would be kneeling, despite the fact that the standing business was put into effect at least 20 years ago and didn’t originate with Perez.