Bishop says Rev. Charles Curran is a good friend of mine

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The local priest, the Rev. Charles Curran, was teaching theology at Catholic University when his writings on abortion, homosexuality and sexual ethics drew attention from the Vatican.

Curran was suggesting that there be more leeway on the issue of birth control, Clark said. And Curran said that homosexuality within committed relationships might not be all bad. Clark defended Curran as having a right to question and wrestle with such issues

Clark defended Curran as having a right to question and wrestle with such issues.

Clark even wrote a column about the topic, which got noticed by Ratzinger.

Ratzinger, then head of the Vatican’s Congregation for the Doctrine of Faith, wrote a letter accusing Clark of promoting a questionable “pluralism in teaching moral doctrine.” Clark responded with a letter saying, “My intention was to portray moral theology as a living discipline, which ever faces new questions and which historically has developed a great deal.” Curran remains a priest in good standing with the Rochester diocese but teaches at Southern Methodist University in Texas, said Clark, adding that he remains in touch with Curran, whom he considers a good friend.

For the complete article go to

I don’t think this article will last much longer at this website.
I also heard that Cardinal Ratzinger, now Pope Benedict XVI, remains on good personal terms with Kuhn, a theologian whose license to teach was revoked by Ratzinger. Ratzinger was actually rather lenient during his long tenure as head of teh CDF, historically. I believe that he actually excommunicated very few people. In my opinion, all this talk about “God’s rotweiler” is the liberal equivalent of a red scare. Vastly overrated.

BTW, I’m reading JPII’s Centisimus Annus right now. Great stuff - living wage, environmentalism, support for trade unions, all in there. Makes me proud to be Catholic.
Clark defended Curran as having a right to question and wrestle with such issues.
I wonder how much of this “wrestling” was done in public in articles in the secular media and columns in diocesean newspapers. I also wonder how much this harmed the faith of poor, simple Catholics who did not understand that it was a philosophical exercise by the elite.

Let the shepards attend their flocks and not sit under trees and contemplate the morality of letting them be eaten by wolves.
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