Bishops' Official Reacts to Congressional Action on Stem Cell Research (USCCB)

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WASHINGTON (May 25, 2005)-- Yesterday the House of Representatives approved two bills on stem cell research. One bill, H.R. 2520, will increase access to life-saving treatments by establishing a nationwide public bank for umbilical cord blood stem cells; the other, H.R. 810, will force taxpayers to fund stem cell research which requires the destruction of human embryos. President Bush has promised to veto the embryo research bill, which fell short of a veto-proof margin by over 50 votes.

“This was a David and Goliath story,” said Richard M. Doerflinger, Deputy Director of the USCCB Secretariat for Pro-Life Activities. “The pro-life movement and its allies in Congress went up against the combined resources of Hollywood celebrities, the research establishment, and a wealthy for-profit biotechnology industry, and fought them to a standstill. The bill to promote killing of human embryos for their stem cells will not become law. Yet the floor debate showed an appalling degree of ignorance and confusion on the issue among those voting for this bill. . .

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I do believe Mr. Doerflinger just characterized most members of the House as ignoramuses. 😛
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