Black Entertainment Television founder suggests he's voting against Biden: 'I will take the devil I know over the devil I don't know'

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The slow but sure movement of Black America continues to move away from the Democrats.


BET founder suggests he’s voting against Biden: ‘I will take the devil I know over the devil I don’t know’​

The businessman stopped short of offering an endorsement for President Trump​

By Joseph A. Wulfsohn | Fox News

Gutfeld on last night’s debate

President Trump, Joe Biden clash over key issues in fiery first presidential debate

BET founder Robert Johnson suggested on Wednesday that his vote will go to President Trump over Joe Biden, although he stopped short of offering an endorsement.

Johnson began by expressing that he couldn’t say who “won” Tuesday night’s presidential debate but made clear that the American people “lost.”

“This was like a schoolyard fight over who had the best-looking girlfriend,” Johnson said. “It was a waste of an hour and a half that gave no guidance, no direction at all as to where the country will go after this election… Where I come out as a businessman, I will take the devil I know over the devil I don’t know any time of the week. And that seems to be what business people are confronting today.”

“So you’re endorsing Trump, President Trump?” CNBC anchor Rebecca Quick pressed.


“I’m not endorsing anybody,” Johnson quickly responded. “What I’m saying is if I’m a businessperson, what you want more than anything else, particularly coming out of something as horrible as this pandemic… the more you know about who will be pulling the lever of economic growth, economic development, taxes, stimulus, regulation. In my opinion, you’re better off dealing with somebody you know where they’re gonna be than somebody you really have no idea what decisions they will make at such a critical time.”

He continued, “I absolutely do not know what Vice President Biden will do. I haven’t heard anything coherent out of what he said he would do.” . . .
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Both are Devils. At least he got one part right.

> “I will take the devil I know”.

Yes, but he says he has no idea where Joe Biden stands on anything. He can see what Trump has accomplished and what his policies are.

There are many of us who wish we had better candidates to choose from. @RidgeSprinter
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he says he has no idea where Joe Biden stands on anything.
True dat.
Trump is on the news almost 24/7. Most of the coverage is negative, but his every move, tweet and word gets publicity. When not on the news he’s making a speech or appearing at a rally or Tweeting. He just never shuts up.

Biden on the other hand has stayed home almost entirely since the primary and has said very little. Furthermore, a goodly percentage of people I know who are planning to vote for him have suggested he’ll probably die during his term so we’ll have President Harris anyway.
Would not this be considered a big endorsement?

By the way, I personally know a few people who do NOT like President Trump and will be voting for him.
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I’m guessing BET founder Johnson is aware of some of President Trump’s accomplishments that help African-Americans:
  • permanently increased federal funding for Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Over the last couple years, funding has increased by more than $100 million, which is a 17% increase, according to U.S. News
  • supports school choice so that poor kids in bad school districts have the same opportunity to succeed as kids who live in better-performing school districts
  • opportunity zones that provide incentive for businesses in low-income areas
  • through all of 2019 and the first couple months of 2020 (before state Governors started shutting down businesses), African-Americans and Hispanics were enjoying their lowest unemployment rate, and highest median income in history, largely due to President Trump’s policies.
  • President Trump supports funding for the police. 81% of Blacks want an INCREASED police presence, despite the leftist media’s misleading reporting
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