Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood

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After watching this documentary, I wonder how anyone who says black lives matter can support Planned Parenthood.
In my opinion, it is hypocrisy to say black lives matter and support Planned Parenthood.

Instead of saying “All Lives Matter” how about saying “All Black Lives Matter”?
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After watching this documentary, I wonder how anyone who says black lives matter can support Planned Parenthood.
In my opinion, it is hypocrisy to say black lives matter and support Planned Parenthood.

(Please Note: This uploaded content is no longer available.)

Maafa 21 - Black Genocide in 21st Century America - full documentary

Instead of saying “All Lives Matter” how about saying “All Black Lives Matter”?
I have done much head-scratching over the years over why African Americans, even though many if not most of them claim to be opposed to abortion, consistently vote for pro-choice Democratic candidates. I know, it’s because the Democrats do a better job of representing their interests, but it would be refreshing to see pro-life African Americans band together and say to the Republican party “you are pro-life and we like that, and we will support you, but only if you will look out for our interests, and support laws and other mechanisms that favor us, as much or more than the Democrats do”.

Trump needs all the support he can get, and 13% of the electorate could make all the difference for him.
Because why would they care about black fetuses being killed if they never believed fetuses have a right to life in general?

You can’t expect a person who’s pro choice to suddenly care about abortion once you throw in a racial element to it. Like I always said, you gotta always start at the root of the problem. Is a fetus human? If so, do they have a right to life? Leave the race out of it.

Many people claim they are personally pro life but support pro choice policies. You could look at the inconsistencies there. This goes beyond race as well obviously.
you are pro-life and we like that, and we will support you, but only if you will look out for our interests, and support laws and other mechanisms that favor us, as much or more than the Democrats do”.
You’re assuming Republicans would want to do this. For starters, republicans are generally against social programs and the black vote are usually in favour of it. The Republican party won’t switch like that. The Republicans also have a PR problem with youths and POC, because actual racists usually support the party and the RP aren’t keen on completing getting rid of them. This isn’t to say there are no racist democrats, because there are, but white nationalists, your crazy uncle etc tend to vote for a party that is more traditional.

And trump is perceived to be racist as well, so I don’t think there’s any incentive to give him all the support he can get, even if they’re pro life.

To sum up, America is too polarised. The people that acknowledge racism and the ‘black struggle’ tend to be pro abortion, and the people that are indifferent to it/deny the existence tend to be anti abortion. As a POC who isn’t passionately pro life, you’re going to pick the one that you think cares about you
African Americans that are seriously pro-life that I know often stop voting entirely. Pure anecdote, not sure how much this happens, but the opposition to Republicans is very real, often because of how their supporters act too. So if one is convinced that voting for a pro-choice candidate is immoral, they will stop voting for president at least of governer

I don’t think there will ever be a switch, until republicans stop being perceived as racist or not supporting the policies they need to for their vote
It makes sense if you don’t think those lives are worth protecting. Obviously a foul position but it isn’t contradictory
BLEXIT is occurring, I think that’s a big part of the reason for the civil strife. The Democrats are not helping them, Baltimore, Detroit, Minneapolis, these places may well be getting worse and worse and have not changed for the better in 40 years. It is going to be like this 40 years from now??

But Planned Parenthood, special interest of the Democrats, they receive Margaret Sanger awards, she is called racist. Half of all African American babies aborted. Is this really so different than the Democratic party 50-60 years ago?

BLEXIT is on, it’s no secret, the Black Community is not being helped. Some radical immigration rules would push down wages further, make one’s percentage of the population smaller. People are seeing this.
If it does happen I don’t think it will be towards republicans or conservatism, but instead to their own communities, becoming self supporting and trying as much as possible to not participate in the larger society. I also don’t think most will do it, as those communities do exist now and are usually small. I’ve been to black communes before, it’s very cool.
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It looks like Margaret Sanger"s hopes and dreams continue to live on. And lo and behold there was Hillary, a Democrat who was running for President at the time, accepting an award in her name. I don’t recall not ONE black person complaining about that! I wonder what the BLM movement thinks of that??? Yeah buddy, the queen of abortions, she was the biggest racist ever and admitted as much. Now that’s a statue that needs to be smashed!
I don’t think there will ever be a switch, until republicans stop being perceived as racist or not supporting the policies they need to for their vote
I think the Republicans are perceived as racist much more than they actually have racists among their ranks. The racist Republican is a caricature the press likes to paint, but that in actual fact is extremely rare. In the same way that the same press down-plays racism among Democrats and will pretends it doesn’t exist.

If you repeat the same lie long enough etc etc.

So what do the Republicans need to do to break out of that racist image?
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It looks like Margaret Sanger"s hopes and dreams continue to live on. And lo and behold there was Hillary, a Democrat who was running for President at the time, accepting an award in her name. I don’t recall not ONE black person complaining about that! I wonder what the BLM movement thinks of that??? Yeah buddy, the queen of abortions, she was the biggest racist ever and admitted as much. Now that’s a statue that needs to be smashed!
Actually, there was a story in about some wanting a statue of Lincoln to come down but leave the Margaret Sanger statue up.

The left, whomever they are, really have nothing but accusing others of racism, calling people racist, race hustling, race baiting and to think that’s where we are in 2020, America.
Because why would they care about black fetuses being killed if they never believed fetuses have a right to life in general?

You can’t expect a person who’s pro choice to suddenly care about abortion once you throw in a racial element to it. Like I always said, you gotta always start at the root of the problem. Is a fetus human? If so, do they have a right to life? Leave the race out of it.

Many people claim they are personally pro life but support pro choice policies. You could look at the inconsistencies there. This goes beyond race as well obviously.
I was referring to black people who are pro-life in the first place.

Yes, it’s a bitter pill to swallow, to vote against your own self-interests in the name of a higher principle. Most of the time, I vote for pro-life Republicans, even though aside from abortion (and Second Amendment issues), my sympathies are far more with the Democrats. The most rabidly conservative and libertarian of the Republicans, if they could absolutely have their way about everything, would ratchet back (if not outright do away with) the Affordable Care Act, Social Security, Medicare — all either actual or future issues for me. Yet I vote the way I do, because as long as there’s a ghost of a chance that even some abortion “rights” could be overturned, I have to put the lives of the unborn above any other consideration.
You’re assuming Republicans would want to do this. For starters, republicans are generally against social programs and the black vote are usually in favour of it. The Republican party won’t switch like that. The Republicans also have a PR problem with youths and POC, because actual racists usually support the party and the RP aren’t keen on completing getting rid of them. This isn’t to say there are no racist democrats, because there are, but white nationalists, your crazy uncle etc tend to vote for a party that is more traditional.
The Republicans are going to have to reach out to more demographics, and address their concerns proactively and more vigorously than the Democrats, or it’s all over. I predict that, within a decade, the Democrats will pretty much take over everything, aside from state governments in a few very conservative states, and a new party will have to emerge from libertarians, free-market advocates, and those who want government not to be so much a part of their lives.
African Americans that are seriously pro-life that I know often stop voting entirely. Pure anecdote, not sure how much this happens, but the opposition to Republicans is very real, often because of how their supporters act too. So if one is convinced that voting for a pro-choice candidate is immoral, they will stop voting for president at least of governer
I don’t advocate refusing to vote — the Catechism reminds us of our obligation in that regard — but I’d rather see votes withheld entirely from the pro-choice party, than to see them get those votes.
I was referring to black people who are pro-life in the first place.
They’re often ‘personally’ pro life, which I’m not sure if it counts
It doesn’t. I know you know this, but many people are “personally opposed” to abortion, but wouldn’t tell anyone else they cannot do it. The only merit there, is that if this person acts in accord with their beliefs, they will never be having an abortion, or aiding and abetting one as the case may be. That much is good. But it doesn’t go far enough.

The pro-life position, in the “here and now”, rests upon the assumption that, for whatever reason, a substantial portion of the population “just doesn’t think right” about unborn human life, and in that it is an issue where innocent lives are at stake, they must be restrained from having or assisting an abortion, even if it’s not a majority point of view. Pardon the gruesome analogy, but it is the same thing, as if 60% of the population, in all innocent good faith, thought that parents had the right to end the lives of their children within nine months after they were born, and within the first three months after birth, there would be absolutely no restrictions on this. Should they be stopped? Even if they’re in the majority? And if the political party that does good things for me, and for my people, also embraces this idea? Can I support that party? The questions answer themselves.
The Republicans are going to have to reach out to more demographics, and address their concerns proactively and more vigorously than the Democrats, or it’s all over. I predict that, within a decade, the Democrats will pretty much take over everything, aside from state governments in a few very conservative states, and a new party will have to emerge from libertarians, free-market advocates, and those who want government not to be so much a part of their lives.
Two things from an outsider’s view,
1)The Southern Strategy was only ever going to give the Republicans short term gains, eventually demographic changes would see it collapse.

2)It always amuses me when those on the right say they want less government intervention, as I recall in the US it was a right wing government that introduced the PATRIOT Act.
Two things from an outsider’s view,
1)The Southern Strategy was only ever going to give the Republicans short term gains, eventually demographic changes would see it collapse.
I think that if the Democrats continue to drift ever further to the left and to allow people like BLM and Soros to dictate their policies, it will only be a matter of time until normal decent middle of the road people will leave them. This could well lead to a major collapse of the Democrat party. I don’t think Republicans talking about Libertarianism and small government is the answer here. They need to move to the middle of the road to give those dissatisfied Democrats a new home, picking up the talking points that the Democrats are abandoning.
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I know you know this, but many people are “personally opposed” to abortion, but wouldn’t tell anyone else they cannot do it
Yes, that was my point. I was asking if you were referring to those people in your post, because it’s easy for anyone to say that they are when they’re actually pro choice
Black people left the Republican Party en masse due to the republican opposition to the civil rights act of 1964.

Huge mistake on the Republicans part not to mention immoral imho. However very understandable on the black persons part.
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That’s interesting, again from an outsider’s point of view, the Overton window is so far to the right in the US that the fact a centre right politician like Biden could be considered a socialist is frankly laughable. I’ve said this before on here and I will doubtless say it again;

The Democrats are NOT on the Left

The fact that is that demographics again are going to push the US to the relative left as Millennials and Zoomers form voting blocs. To swing it back to the OT, that is particularly regarding social policies like abortion, LGBTQ+ and BAME representation.
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