Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood

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Black people left the Republican Party en masse due to the republican opposition to the civil rights act of 1964.

Huge mistake on the Republicans part not to mention immoral imho. However very understandable on the black persons part.
That’s totally false, the only reason why Civil Rights Act of 1964 passed was because of Republicans.

In fact, during the Eisenhower administration, even JFK and LBJ voted against some civil rights legislation.

What’s truly immoral is the Democrats support of abortion law and planned parenthood.
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Two things from an outsider’s view,
1)The Southern Strategy was only ever going to give the Republicans short term gains, eventually demographic changes would see it collapse.

2)It always amuses me when those on the right say they want less government intervention, as I recall in the US it was a right wing government that introduced the PATRIOT Act.
Georgia didn’t go full Republican until the 2000s, Louisiana hasn’t gone full Republican still. That’s a total myth about the Southern Strategy so Democrats don’t have to deal with their legacy of church burnings, bombings and lynchings.

Yes, post-millenials and zoomers can vote a certain way and then, the whole USA can be like Minneapolis, Chicago, Baltimore… sounds real good.

Every generation probably has a good dose of liberalism early on.

Again, Democrats are heavy supporters of Planned Parenthood. That’s absolutely terrible and unacceptable.

This thread is about Black Lives Matter and Planned Parenthood. I’m going to stay on topic, what you are saying is pretty much off topic and avoids facing ugly truths.

There will never be peace while life is treated as disposable.
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Actually it’s not, regardless of revisionist history. Barry Goldwater during the RNC of 64 called the civil rights act unconstitutional to which the Republicans jumped on board. It can be argued that they only did it to support their guy but that’s speculation. The fact is they supported that agenda during the election ad blacks abandoned the party for the democrats.
Proof that as far as the GOP is concerned “actual racists usually support the party?” Do black racists support the GOP? Racism happens, but it’s not around every corner. Most people view people as individuals, and differ in cultural norms, values, morals, etc.

Who perceives Trump as a “racist” besides those who would call anyone who runs for president as GOP a racist? Such as your activist institutions such as the MSM (CNN, MSNBC, NYT, ABC, CBS, TIME, NBC etc.), academia and hollywood. The left has pulled this card every time, and especially with Trump it’s been revealed. He was never a racist until he ran for president as a non-Democrat. Odd how that works.

Meanwhile, there’s no way one can say that Democrat policies help black Americans. The numbers suggest the opposite. There’s certainly heavy political indoctrination to look beyond the results, but the Democrat New Deal, and the decades of Democrat racist policies that we had to overcome in the Civil Rights movement largely screwed them over.
Proof that as far as the GOP is concerned “actual racists usually support the party?” Do black racists support the GOP? Racism happens, but it’s not around every corner. Most people view people as individuals, and differ in cultural norms, values, morals, etc
The fact that you immediately got defensive and wrote a whole paragraph attacking one party is worrying. I literally said there are racists who are Democrats as well. If one is trying their best to be objective here, both parties don’t truly have black interests at heart here (in different ways).

Of course, I’ve been here long enough to know that people just want to attack their political opponent. Whoever they may be.
I can certainly partake in non-partisan discourse, but to accuse someone of getting “defensive” after you go on the offensive is rather silly. While I am a classic Conservative, obviously someone like Trump doesn’t check all the boxes for me. However, I keep on having to defend the dang guy when people just paste broad, ridiculous labels onto him.

Correct that many on the left just call people this, but it’s not a substantiated claim. It’s meant to be damaging and nasty.
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but to accuse someone of getting “defensive” after you go on the offensive is rather silly.
How am I going on the offensive when I said there are racists on both parties? And if you read carefully, I intentionally used labels like ‘perceive’ because I couldn’t care less about him at this point (not my president) and I was merely saying that there are people who think he is a racist. So that’s why I said you are defensive, because you started to go on and on even though you weren’t actually responding to whatever I was saying.
One would think, with such quotes, the organization would be doomed… given that if someone owned slaves their statues should be taken down.

However, the double standards in our society will probably hold true. If you’re a leftist, you are allowed to have gone through periods of change. If you’re not, you’re as bad as your worst moment, thought, or policy.
Yeah, I think I failed to read your nuance. My apologies.
Black people left the Republican Party en masse due to the republican opposition to the civil rights act of 1964.
Then assuming that’s true, it sure would be nice if they’d now leave the Democratic party en masse due to the abortion issue.

Actually, I kind of like the “withholding our vote” strategy. I’m not sure if the Catholic teaching on having an obligation to vote, is so absolute as to extend to every election under all circumstances. Black Americans do an admirable job of speaking in unison, with one voice, and making their demands heard, so how much of a stretch would it be, for them to tell both parties “you will either support civil rights and social programs that benefit us, and you will oppose abortion, or else we will just skip the presidential portion of the November election, and let you try to win without us — if winning this election is a priority for you, you’ll do well to take to heart what we are demanding”.

Not going to happen, but I think it’s a useful mental exercise.
Out of the 20+ Democrat senators who voted against the Civil rights act, only one switched to the Republican Party. The rest stayed Democrats.

The simple bumper sticker history of how all the racists went republican in the 60’s isn’t much accurate.
In my opinion, it is hypocrisy to say black lives matter and support Planned Parenthood.
Look for signs of hope. Here’s one start-up group.
New Wave Feminists is also an organization that believes all Black lives matter.

Thanks for posting the documentary.
You can’t expect a person who’s pro choice to suddenly care about abortion once you throw in a racial element to it.
I agree. I also see some inconsistency among those pro-choicers who claim that they want to “stop” or “prevent” abortion but don’t stand up when primarily African-American mothers are affected. It’s as if they only want to shower pills and condoms on the problem and wait around for the Abortion Fairy to make the problem disappear.
I don’t think there will ever be a switch, until republicans stop being perceived as racist or not supporting the policies they need to for their vote
Police accountability and demilitarization shouldn’t even be controversial and could potentially pull in more African-American votes. Sadly, today we live in a country that will turn anything into a partisan issue, (e.g. “Which do you prefer, gas or electric stoves? Democrats say . . .”)
So what do the Republicans need to do to break out of that racist image?
One start would be to stop legitimizing the white supremacists by saying that there are “fine people” on “both sides.”
Yet I vote the way I do, because as long as there’s a ghost of a chance that even some abortion “rights” could be overturned, I have to put the lives of the unborn above any other consideration.
It’s a well-meaning but failed strategy. We pro-lifers have been attempting this for a half century, for heaven’s sake. And how’s that working for us? Maybe it’s time for us to think outside of this box.

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who’s wife is/has been a member of Feminists for Life, just ruled with the majority that hospital admitting privileges for abortion clinic poses an “undue burden” for women seeking abortions. (Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch!) Whether he was being objectively Constitutional with stare decisis or ruling politically will remain up for debate, (as it is with most controversial SC rulings). But the bottom line is that putting in the “right” justices is no guarantor of pro-life rulings.
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Out of the 20+ Democrat senators who voted against the Civil rights act, only one switched to the Republican Party. The rest stayed Democrats.
Would that be Strom Thurmond of South Carolina?
Yet I vote the way I do, because as long as there’s a ghost of a chance that even some abortion “rights” could be overturned, I have to put the lives of the unborn above any other consideration.
It’s a well-meaning but failed strategy. We pro-lifers have been attempting this for a half century, for heaven’s sake. And how’s that working for us? Maybe it’s time for us to think outside of this box.

Supreme Court Justice John Roberts, who’s wife is/has been a member of Feminists for Life, just ruled with the majority that hospital admitting privileges for abortion clinic poses an “undue burden” for women seeking abortions. (Streeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetch!) Whether he was being objectively Constitutional with stare decisis or ruling politically will remain up for debate, (as it is with most controversial SC rulings). But the bottom line is that putting in the “right” justices is no guarantor of pro-life rulings.
Well, we got Scalia, and we have Thomas, Alito, Kavanaugh, and Gorsuch. Five pro-life Catholics, though Gorsuch is kind-of-Catholic-kind-of-not, raised Catholic, now professes Anglicanism. That’s not too shabby. Consider the alternative. I wouldn’t call that a “failed strategy” in the least.

Here’s the difference: a liberal Justice nominee is perfectly able to say they will safeguard abortion rights and uphold Roe v Wade. A conservative Justice nominee has to dissemble, has to keep it vague, try their best before confirmation not to say anything about abortion they don’t absolutely have to. So their philosophy on this issue is harder to pin down with certainty. It’s a case of “give it all we’ve got, and hope for the best”.

Incidentally, this isn’t common knowledge, but Mike Pence still identifies as Catholic, after a fashion. His situation sounds similar to those Protestants who were raised in one denomination, usually a “mainline” one, yet because of marriage or other reasons, attends another denomination. It is not at all unusual, for instance, for a Methodist to attend a Presbyterian church, or a Presbyterian to attend a Lutheran church (or vice versa in both instances).

(The NCReporter as a news source, fine, as a guide to the spiritual life, not so much.)
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They’re often ‘personally’ pro life, which I’m not sure if it counts
If you know one like that ask them about somebody personally being against owning slaves, but thinking it should be legally protected.
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