Black Lives Matter attacks Catholic prayer group

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being black makes him a member of the group?
Or maybe the fact that he and his side are chanting Black Lives Matter (in the second video, which is in the YouTube notes) and that his contingent has several Black Lives Matter signs (2:21 in the main video and throughout the second video). BLM seems a more-than-reasonable label in the headline.

Unrelated, but noteworthy for CAF: in the second video someone in his group has a sign that says “Christianity and Catholicism are terrorist organizations.”
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Saw this days ago on Facebook. Some people prefer to hide their heads in the sand.
Almost immediately, the anti-Catholic bigotry of the BLM protesters became clear, as they shouted prejudiced slogans directly into the ears of the prayer warriors. These included: “Your God can’t hear you,” “Your Church is a ring of pedophiles,” and “Your prayers are racist.” Even worse, one of the priests present was repeatedly spat upon.

Their intentions were clearly to provoke the Catholics. This was evident by their actions, which included putting their hands and signs in the faces of those praying and even blowing a deafening air horn directly into their ears.

The atmosphere held a palpable demonic charge that was felt by all
Bring in the exorcists.
Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil; May God rebuke him, we humbly pray ; And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all evil spirits who wander through the world for the ruin of souls. Amen."*
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BLM rioting and rioters cannot be supported by Catholics.
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I’m glad I wasn’t there. It would have been very very hard not to react violently to these agitators. Now to all you Liberals here on Catholic Answers Forum: Do you now see the true nature of BLM?!
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Don’t expect an answer to that. Liberals are not brave enough to admit they were wrong.
They’ll chime in once they are finished criticisms of the Vice President in the topic where he refused to say “Black Lives Matter.” Give them a moment, please.

Perhaps people who want the message to resonate should pick a new slogan, since the group who started the slogan is a cover for anti-family, anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-white, anti-men and women created in the likeness of God, anti-nuclear family, and anti-male values.

It’s like creating the slogan “Westboro Baptist Church” to promote saving the rainforests and wondering why people might shy away…
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