It only takes some of them and you have a problem.
Any racists cops are a problem, but to act as if all cops are racist simply because some are is faulty. It’s bad logic, and even worse practice.
Of course not all cops abuse their power. I will even go out on a limb and say that not all “white cops” are racist. But that is besides the point.
No, it is not besides the point, it IS the point. You cannot assign the tag of racist to anyone who does anything against black people, especially when these cops are charged with protecting the peace, which disproportionately involves subduing black individuals. It’s a sad fact of the reality we live in, but per-capita, most crime in America is perpetrated by black individuals. This is always on the mind of those people who have to enforce the law. It’s not their fault that’s the world they live in. It’s not fair to them or to good, law-abiding black people, but it’s the truth of the matter, and it’s something we have to come to terms with if real progress is going to be made. Especially any real progress which will make this no longer be true.
It’s true that combat scenarios can lead to bad decisions, but lets not use that as accuse to make those decisions the norm.
I’m not calling for them to be the norm. I wish they didn’t exist. What I’m calling for is the basic recognition that there’s usually a reason these officers are reacting as they do, and that reason is very rarely racist. It’s important to point that out, because it’s basically the polar opposite of what the BLM crowd would like people to believe.
And there is such a thing as a racist cop, and there is such a thing as cops who abuse their power, and it is true that some of these cops have acted unjustly. Is black lives matter lying about that?
No, and the fact that you would even ask this shows that you either didn’t read what I’ve written, or didn’t care about the fact that I already admitted as much and instead just wanted to make yourself feel superior to me by pointing it out.
There are racist cops, there are abusive cops, there are terrible cops. Get rid of them.
The problem with BLM is that they treat all cops the same, and completely ignore their culture’s hand in creating the atmosphere that has lead to our current situation. Sometimes the victim really does have a hand to play in their victim-hood. Neither side is free of blame in this discussion.
I have to back out of this discussion now, I have work to do.