BLM Mob Terrorizes a Portland Oregon Residential Area — ‘Wake Up, M********r!’

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The rioters keep pushing the limits of how much the leftists mob can get away with.

This will not end well.

Nolte: BLM Mob Terrorizes Residential Area — ‘Wake Up, M********r!’​


21 Aug 2020

A Black Lives Matter mob used bright lights and chants of “Wake up, mother*******!” to terrorize a residential area in Portland, according to video released Thursday night. . . .

The 55 second video shows a mob of domestic terrorists using a megaphone to repeatedly scream “Wake up, . . . wake up!” in the middle of a residential street, which they are obviously blocking. They also shine lights in the windows of the homes.

The homes are all dark. A speed limit signs reads “25 MPH.”

Obviously there is no constructive point to this behavior, but there is a destructive one. These spoiled, privileged babies are not only terrorizing and disturbing people because they can, they want to show they can … They want to show the citizens of Portland that they run the city now, not the useless and corrupt mayor, and certainly not the police.

My guess, too, and this is just a guess — but an educated one, is that the mob hoped to provoke a confrontation with the police. Imagine a full-blown melee in the middle of a residential street. . . .

Everyone else (outside of innocent children) it’s hard to feel sorry for. The city has not had a Republican mayor since 1979, and that was only for a year. Portland has not a full-term GOP mayor since … 1952. That’s 68 years ago, and now they’ve elected this socialist eunuch Ted Wheeler, who seems to spend more time attacking President Donald Trump for trying to protect federal buildings than he does trying to put these riots down — if he’s trying at all.

And now the terrorists are pushing into residential areas. . . .

Another big problem is the left-wing district attorney, Mike Schmidt, one of those urban DA’s Shaun King, the guy who called for attacks on churches, threw his weight and money behind. He took office on August 1 and promptly announced only 47 of 550 cases against “protesters” will be prosecuted.

So what the left have done is rigged the game so nothing can be done at all about this violence and harassment. . . . There are no consequences for anything. . . .

This is deliberate, an easy way to ensure the violence and terrorism continue.

Remember, this is revolution, not a protest.

Naturally the leftist mask madaters will be silent here too. At least the national political leftists.
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I hope the District Attorney is not complicit with this, letting the rage mob get away no jail time. But Democrats don’t appear too interested in prosecuting the bad guys.
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