BLM Protesters Dance to ‘#$%# Donald Trump’ During 13th Day of Protests Outside Democrat LA Mayor’s House

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No lockdown for these leftists nor following of social distancing mandates either.

Lockdowns for thee, but not for me.

No national Democrat condemnation of this flouting of the law either.

Notice Garcetti (a guy who wants you not having firearms) has
many armed Government Police Guards
outside his home with a fence WALL around it

BLM Protesters Dance to ‘#$%# Donald Trump’ During 13th Day of Protests Outside Democrat LA Mayor’s House​

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File Photo: PATRICK T. FALLON/AFP via Getty Images

Bob Price

5 Dec 2020

Black Lives Matter protesters staked out the home of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti for the 13th straight day. The protesters demand that not nominate the Democrat mayor for any potential cabinet position.

BLM protesters danced to “#$%# Donald Trump” on the street in front of Mayor Garcetti’s home in Los Angeles. The rally marks the 13th straight day of protests demanding that Garcetti not be appointed to any potential Biden administration cabinet position.

A video tweeted by independent journalist Jorge Ventura shows the commotion currently underway in front of the mayor’s home. . . .^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1332012266456195074|twgr^|twcon^s1_&

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