No way!If it is politicized, that politicization is due at least as much to the activity of the skeptics as it is to the proponents of AGW theory.
When the whole AGW hoax was started it was aimed at politicians, governments and the United Nations for the sole purpose of passing laws, regulations and controlling our lifestyle.
If the alarmists had a convincing argument or PROOF of their claim the world population would have joined them without government FORCE.
But, knowing that “you can’t fool all of the people all of the time”…the alarmists turned to political influence.
In my position, I don’t have to support anything. YOU are telling ME that the sky is falling, it’s my fault and I have to do something about it. I am skeptical…the burden of proof rests on you.Stating it and supporting that statement with facts are two different things.
The term “consensus” is much broader than politics or science. It applies any time a group of people substantially agree about anything.
The latest polls show that the American people have less concern about AGW than they did 10 years ago. That is a consensus. “a group of people substantially agree about anything.” Does that make it “settled science”? Does that mean that the alarmist community will accept the fact that their scare tactics didn’t work and admit their hoax?As for consensus having no bearing on real science, that is true when applied to the strict method of scientific investigation. But are you doing real science? Yourself? Personally? Or are you trying to determine what is true based on what various other people say? If you are weighing the opinion of various experts, then recognizing a consensus gives you the best chance of getting it right. A lot better than flipping a coin, or going with your own personally non-scientific pre-conceptions. Not even real scientists should do that. If they do, they are not acting like scientists.
In REAL science **consensus **is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus.