Twice I’ve dreamed that I was falling from a height, and I knew I’d be dead when I hit the ground … scared of heights…
But I did climb to the top of Saint Peter’s basilica, though a good part of the steps had no safety rails.
I dreamed that a massive tsunami was approaching, and everyone in its path including me would die, it was just before the 2004 Indonesian event, and in another dream, I silently watched as a huge wave, with swirling debris, towered over the vast glass wall in a hall where a priest I’d known was about to give a talk.
I’m not scared of tsunamis as far as I know, but I sure wouldn’t choose to live in a low-lying beachside home, much as I love the ocean.
Scared of heights, yes. Scared of tsunamis? I don’t know.
I’ll find out if I ever meet one…nevertheless regarding all four death dream scenarios I was silent and calm, just quietly aware that death was inevitable and unavoidable. And yes, it is of course.
I didn’t dream those events because I worry about those things. I find dreams interesting. One never knows what colourful, evocative, and curious dream events will present themselves…so no, definitely not afraid of dreams, but enjoy the adventures.