Recent adult convert to Catholicism, couple years in. My family and all pre-conversion friends are non-Catholic (most non-theistic entirely).
Recently, multiple family members and friends have approached me with accusation after accusation about alleged Catholic ‘atrocities’ throughout history. While not wanting to whitewash wrongdoing by individuals within the Church, I also suspect that in many cases the historical realities were more complex than what’s being alleged – but I’m not a historian myself, nor am I well-read in history. I asked related questions as I entered the Church, but was fully satisfied by the answers I heard (and now forget), and also by the answer that the Church is not responsible for the sins of her members, so historical incidents were no barrier to my conversion, and I didn’t have to dig too much on my own account, making this an area I’m little-qualified to help my family with.
I don’t really know what my family/friends need to hear on this. They show little sign of wanting to hear a good answer (like I did when I was seeking truth and converting). My sense is they’re mostly giving reasons why they feel justified in considering everything relativistically, dismissing the Church, and not thinking further about it. Regardless of their motivations in tossing around the accusations, I do wish I could give more specific and knowledgable answers about concrete historical facts – and ideally resources they could explore themselves. Academically solid but accessible, if possible (my family is highly educated so will scrutinize anything I give them, but I don’t know how much of a grind they’ll be willing to put themselves through to learn).
Recent accusations thrown my way:
1.) The Crusades
(I’m relatively okay at answering this one just by even knowing how many crusades there are and explaining how the first one started, which usually the accuser had no idea about. But if there are any additional suggestions, it’s an obvious common one. I’m already thinking about purchasing Weidenkopf’s book (‘The Glory of the Crusades’); any others?)
2.) Catholic abuses against First Nations peoples of the Americas
(especially South America).
3.) The Inquisition
(I don’t think people usually have more than a vague idea of what they mean with this accusation, and I’ve had some success with finding online information from a neutral source and pointing a friend to it – but is there any published book I could keep on my shelf?)
4.) Catholics preventing people from reading Bibles for themselves way back when.
Those are the main four. Alternatively, is there a really solid book/resource out there for helping people to move on from whatever motivates the historical-event accusation issue, without having to become a historian themselves? Again, it’s not a problem I really had, so I’m struggling with how to help others here.
Recently, multiple family members and friends have approached me with accusation after accusation about alleged Catholic ‘atrocities’ throughout history. While not wanting to whitewash wrongdoing by individuals within the Church, I also suspect that in many cases the historical realities were more complex than what’s being alleged – but I’m not a historian myself, nor am I well-read in history. I asked related questions as I entered the Church, but was fully satisfied by the answers I heard (and now forget), and also by the answer that the Church is not responsible for the sins of her members, so historical incidents were no barrier to my conversion, and I didn’t have to dig too much on my own account, making this an area I’m little-qualified to help my family with.
I don’t really know what my family/friends need to hear on this. They show little sign of wanting to hear a good answer (like I did when I was seeking truth and converting). My sense is they’re mostly giving reasons why they feel justified in considering everything relativistically, dismissing the Church, and not thinking further about it. Regardless of their motivations in tossing around the accusations, I do wish I could give more specific and knowledgable answers about concrete historical facts – and ideally resources they could explore themselves. Academically solid but accessible, if possible (my family is highly educated so will scrutinize anything I give them, but I don’t know how much of a grind they’ll be willing to put themselves through to learn).
Recent accusations thrown my way:
1.) The Crusades

2.) Catholic abuses against First Nations peoples of the Americas

3.) The Inquisition

4.) Catholics preventing people from reading Bibles for themselves way back when.

Those are the main four. Alternatively, is there a really solid book/resource out there for helping people to move on from whatever motivates the historical-event accusation issue, without having to become a historian themselves? Again, it’s not a problem I really had, so I’m struggling with how to help others here.