Yes, I’m also dealing with a protestant who swears that the first Fathers never mention infant baptism, purgatory, or the Papacy and he lists the ones who started talking about it in about 400 A.D…for the life of me I can’t find any earlier than that myself…let alone the perpetual virginity of Mary
If anyone else has some information here, or, Notworthy, if you have proof from the Fathers than I cannot find, would you let me know? Thanks.
There’s not much on Infant Baptism, which proves what? That there was no disputes over it. Think about it, as much as we gripe and moan when they make a minor change to the Mass (On the tongue? In the Hand?), wouldn’t the Early Church Fathers have raised a major stink when all of a sudden Baptism were allowed to children???
Regarding the perpetual virginity of Mary, I understand the ECF’s spent a lot of the time defining Jesus’ nature (fully God? Fully Man? True God and True Man?) all the way into the late 4th century(?). They couldn’t get around to defining Mary as the Theotokos (and such) until they resolved the issue of Jesus’ Godhood.
Here’s some of what I’ve found on Infant Baptism, though:
The Catholic Church Baptizes infants. Show me the Biblical authority to do this?
Where does it say in Holy Scripture, “Do not Baptize infants”? Show me the Biblical authority NOT to Baptize infants?
Jesus Christ said in Matt 28:19, “GO, therefore, and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit…”
He did not say adults only did he? Did he ever put an age limit to receive Baptism?
Acts 22:16, “and now WHY DO YOU DELAY? Get up and be Baptized and wash away your sins, calling on his name.”
So why do you delay in Baptizing your children?
Acts 2:38, But Peter said to them, “Repent and be Baptized every one of you…”
I would say that verse would include everyone, including infants and children of all ages. Peter did not say to leave your infants at home.
Acts 16:15, “And when she and her household had been Baptized…”
Did her household have infants maybe? Did Luke say “everyone in her household except infants”?
Acts 16:33, “And he took them at that very hour of the night and washed their wounds; and he and ALL his family were baptized immediately.”
Again, were infants excepted here?
1Cor 1:16, “I Baptized also the household of Stephanas…”
Did Paul say “everyone except infants”?
Luke 3:21, “Now it came to pass when all the people had been baptized…”
Aren’t infants part of “all the people”?
For those who deny infant baptism, the burden of proof is upon you to show that in all of the verses listed above there were no infants in all of those households and families.
Jesus Christ said in Matt 19:14, “Let the little children be, and do not hinder them from coming to me.”
He also said in John 3:5, “…unless a man be born again of water and the Spirit HE CANNOT ENTER INTO THE KINGDOM OF GOD.”
How are they to come to Him unless they are Baptized?
Those who say not to Baptize infants clearly have a Biblical conflict here, and they risk the salvation of the souls of their children.
The baptism of the New Testament makes a man a Christian, and baptism saves,
Acts 2:38, Rom 6:4, 1Pet 3:21.
The “
type” of baptism in the Old Testament was circumcision, which made a man a Jew,
Gen 17:10-14.
Circumcision had to be done early in life, on the eighth day of birth.
“He that is eight days old among you shall be circumcised, every male throughout your generations…”
Gen 17:12
Eight days old and every male, certainly does include infants, does it not?
I must ask: Since circumcision of infants was so important for the GOD of the Old Testament, why then are children excluded from Baptism by some in the New Testament?
“When his son Isaac was eight days old, Abraham circumcised him as GOD had commanded him.”
Gen 21:4
“And when eight days were fulfilled for his circumcision, his name was called Jesus…”
Luke 2:21
Where in the Old Testament does it say not to circumcise infants?
Once again, where does it say in the New Testament not to baptize infants?
**This came from the website: