These are my beliefs.Many Catholics adopt a “molecules to man” type belief in evolution which guesses that somewhere, a long time ago, a single cell organism sprung into existence and ever since then has been morphing into different creatures. At some point, these molecules came together to make “hominids” which eventually developed into kind-of human bodies but without souls. Then God kind of “zapped” two souls into two first parents, who we call “Adam and Eve.”
There aren’t two truths. Theology is the study of the “Why”. Science is the study of the “How”. It’s the insertion of the soul to form a complete being that places them in the image of God. God is a spirit. When we are told we are made in his image that doesn’t mean he looks like a homosapien.the only difference between this “Catholic” view of evolution and a secular atheist one is claiming that God “guided” the evolution and then “inserted” souls into two “first parents,” who although made in the image of God happened to basically have apes as their ancestors.
He did directly create when he breathed a soul into Adam.So we profess belief in several miracles, but for some reason many Catholics cannot accept the miracle of God directly creating our two first parents.
Why would life on Mars or a million other worlds be damaging in any way to God or the Gospel? Theistic evolutionist are simply seeking to investigate the wondrous ways in which God created our world.I believe that many people want to discover “life” on Mars to just “prove” that life can pop up anywhere given enough time. They are not seeking the glory of God’s creation,
Well, here’s the root of it. You’ve decided that it must be a certain way so now you’re angry at those that don’t agree with you. But if they’re ashamed, then the Church is too since it has no problem with theistic evolution. Instead of acting like you’re holier than others maybe you should talk to your priest about your concerns.One would think that human beings, the ultimate manifestation of God in His living creatures, would be created direct and special - and in fact, God says He did it that way in Genesis, not to mention in several other passages of Scripture. Yet sadly (to me), many Catholics seem embarrassed by this belief and instead are more comfortable with the notion that we developed from apes.