Boycott China?

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I agree with you Muslim wives are encouraged to stay at home,however there is noactive radical feminism as in other societies.

The family is the cradle civilisation & any attempts to deny the role of woman in the family I agree is wrong,in fact the Holy father has worked with Muslim representatives in the United Nations for the promotion of the family.I am sorry if I am misunderstood.

Again Muslim countries are better than Christian countries ,most of these countries outlaw abortion except if there is a danger to the mother.

China did not have a one child policy until a chinese student came to United States & studied the proposition of planned parenthood & wrote a paper which came to the attention of the relevant authorities .As for China they will have to face the consequence of thier one child policy children growing up without brothers & sisters ,boys growing up with no mate hence social upheaval etc.

In United States & in Europe where the result of widespread of legal abortion ,societies will stagnate due to decreasing labour force ,the loss of the reverence for all forms of life leading to what our Holy father call the culture of death.

Christians in United States have made strides in reducing abortion by boycotting abortion mills ,refusiing to support pro choice candidates ,but you have to look at 60 million less citizens since Roe Vs. Wade (Speaker on Catholic Answers).Are we much better ?

Apology to anyone who are offended.

To those who mentioned the US allowing abortion; of course that’s wrong. But I’m talking about aborttion actually being forced on women by the govenment; the government that forces abortion is worse than the one that only allows it, IMHO.
That’s a tricky one, maybe. Introducing the alluring possibility of any job or recreation they want to a people who had limited occupations or time for leisure open to them and then, when job barriers are broken down in most areas and housework time is decreased or eliminated for those who become executives and/or don’t want to marry and/or have kids, legalizing a way to get rid of the pests that the upwardly mobile (and now without as many inhibitions thanks to the left’s aggression and the right’s permissiveness)'s children have now become to them as an impediment to their “happiness”—well, that may be more isidious then forcing abortions on someone. Encouraging people to kill those of their own likeness and/or ethnicity? I mean, rich people in the U.N. as well as those in the U.S. (USAID), a good many in the former and at least a handful in the latter are sending people into 3rd world countries (where most are dark skinned) preventing births and encouraging abortion and contracepting…
Still, I will not support a government that makes people do that and/or makes people of religion put their faith under the governance of a secular anti-religion in the first place government if I can help it. Nevertheless, those that live there have the government as their enemy. It can be easier to maintain your faith (if your community or family was strong with it) under threat of death than under commercialism as it seems to be the case in Japan before Commodore Perry ended isolationism and in Lithuania or Poland after communism, where I think people are losing their faith–if the auto deChristianization of Europe is everywhere in Europe now.
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