Boycott Oscars, don't reward perverts and abortionists

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Kevin Walker:
The Oscars awards are just Hollywood congratulating itself.

Self-congratulations are petty and worthless; this is the logical fallacy of the Self-Fulling Prophecy - i.e. if the desired condition doesn’t exist, scream loud enough & often enough until the desired condition is believed to exist, when actually it doesn’t.
You are qiute right. All I can say is I haven’t watched oscars in a long, long time and I plan to keep it that way. Those people on there celebrate themselves.

Padre Pio “The Rosary is the weapon.”
With a little luck and hard work, this boycott could be just as effective as that Inauguration Day boycott last week.
Dear J.R.,

If the Passion had been nominated for awards (the ‘major’ awards) would you feel the same way about it?
O Reilly is a shill for the White House…its just becuase he’s said isnt enough times that you cant see that…Conservative political manual…Rule #1 Say a lie…repeat lie enough times that it sinks into the sub conscious of others who dont care to research the facts…rinse, lather, repeat lie again.
Faithful 2 Rome:
O Reilly is a shill for the White House…its just becuase he’s said isnt enough times that you cant see that…Conservative political manual…Rule #1 Say a lie…repeat lie enough times that it sinks into the sub conscious of others who dont care to research the facts…rinse, lather, repeat lie again.
Whoa sound like we learned well from Clinton??

Oreilly drives me nuts. But hardly a shill for the White House. :rolleyes: He asks tough questions though. He is willing to ask follow-up questions if so-n-so is skirting the issue. That is why Kerry didn’t return his phone calls this fall. Bush did, however. And answered some pretty tough questions.

If Christians turned off the show, that would make a huge point with Hollywood. If Christians actually punished hollywood by not going to anymore garbage movies–that would change the movie industry.

It is all a matter of whether or not Christian care enough to do something.
Comment about this in every one of your favorite blogs.
Hey, I don’t frequent any blogs. I run out of time afte CA. LOL
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