Boycott Pepsi!!!

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I don’t know about this…it seems doubtful. Besides that from what I’ve heard they don’t have to list all the charitable donations they make, so they could very well still be giving money to Planned Parenthood.

On a side note - presuming that Pepsi still gives money to Planned Parenthood, and still has the same Executives who donated in the first place - has anyone noticed how big they are? The own frito-lay, tropicana orange juice, aquafina, quaker [oatmeal] and anything else that has that green healthy choice logo (exculsively used for Pepsi - not some award as one may (might?) think.


P.S. They’re still on the St. Antoninus Institute’s list
Well unless they are lying on their federal tax filings which is a felony…Planned Parenthood isn’t on their 2006 charitable donation list.
Don’t buy Pepsi in the new can. Pepsi has a new “patriotic” can coming out with pictures of the Empire State Building , and the Pledge of Allegiance on them.
However, Pepsi left out two little words on the pledge,
“Under God.”

Pepsi said they didn’t want to offend anyone.

In that case, we don’t want to offend anyone at the Pepsi
corporate office, either! So if we don’t buy any Pepsi product, they won’t be offended when they don’t receive our money that has the words, “In God We Trust” on it.
the stuffs bad for you anyways drink water!
Besides, Pepsi is better then Coke in my opinion.
I’m sorry, but you’re wrong.

I won’t be boycotting Pepsi, because I don’t drink Pepsi in the first place to boycott it in the second place.

That stuff just tastes nasty.

On Easter, I’ll be washing my lambchop down with Coke, thank you very much.

Of course, when the United Way came around and the pit bosses were putting the screws to the employees to give, I would refuse to give because UW gave money to Planned Parenthood. Supposedly, you can pick your charities, but in reality, it all goes into the general fund for distribution.
Pepsi is much too sweet. Coke goes better with food, same as dry wine. The sweet stuff might be ok for swilling on its own, but I’d much rather have coke with a savory slice of pizza.

But yes, Pepsi owns Quaker Oats & Minute Maid OJ, two components of my breakfast that help keep my cholesterol low and my immune system active. I think this one of the things our previous Pope decried about modern capitalism - despite the seeming freedom we are offered, it is nearly impossible for a consumer to do business without in some way indirectly supporting evil causes. If it’s not PP, then it’s something else, like your cable company that carries EWTN also profiting from pay-per-view porn.
Drink RC Diet. It’s not number one, or even number two, and it tries harder (and tastes better!).
Im guessing drinking pepsi while reading this fourm was wrong?
or was it. whats wrong with pepsi?
i was concerd but i was wondering becuase i won a pop once
on a pepsi and got a rootbeer with it
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